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14 November 2017 Council Meeting

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

Summary: (Partial record to include Planned Development for The Village at Willow Park)

Public Comments


Agenda Items

6. Public Hearing for a zoning change request to rezone to “PD“ Planned Development District”a 24.19 acre tract of land in the John Cole Survey, Abstract No. 218, Parker County, Texas located on the southeast and southwest corner of Willow Crossing Drive and Willow Bend Drive.

Opened at 7:05 p.m.

Citizens participating included:

Tyler Van Sant

Gene Martin

Public Hearing was closed at 7:51 p.m.

Background: The proposed Planned Development District consists of 24.19 acres:

• Commercial/Local Retail 58% (Public Park 0.4 acres) 14.01 Acres

• Townhome Residential 42% (58 Units) 10.18 Acres

• Goal 3 is to provide quality, safe and attractive neighborhoods. Objective 3.11 depicts medium density residential in the southeastern quadrant, allowing townhomes or higher quality single family redevelopment. The developer is proposing a “Town Center” concept. This is a mixed-use development which includes an array of land use types. The pedestrian experience is a major component of the design utilizing sidewalks, shade trees, pedestrian furniture and decorative features. Shopping and dining should be key components. Residential options, such as quality townhomes are proposed. The commercial and residential uses must work in harmony to create a walkable connected core.

• Applicant: Bryce Pool of The Morrison Group [CorporationWiki, Bizpedia] 1620 Wabash Ave. Fort Worth, TX / submission includes Concept Plan, Letter of Intent, Concept Plan Requirements, Planned Development Regulations for The Village at Willow Park, August 2017, Revised, 12 October, 2017, 20 October, 2017, 06 November 2017)

• [Submission includes Concept Plan, Letter of Intent, Concept Plan Requirements, Planned Development Regulations for The Village at Willow Park, August 2017, Revised, 12 October, 2017, 20 October, 2017, 06 November 2017; submission documents in Agenda and Packet linked above.]

Motion was made by Councilmember Greg Runnebaum to approve Ordinance 761-17, a zoning change request to rezone to PD “Planned Development District” a 24.19 acre tract of land in the John Cole Survey, Abstract No. 218, Parker County, Texas located on the southeast and southwest corner of Willow Crossing Drive and Willow Bend Drive.

Executive session

a. Section 551.072; Deliberation regarding real property- Fort Worth Water Supply Agreement. #FortWorthWater

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