Summary: $5.7M Certificate of Obligation for Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue; American Rescue Plan Act activity, water and wastewater utility fee; final plat for Willow Park RV Storage, Mayor's signature on a Chapter 380 Agreement; Reports on Public Works (Emergency Preparedness Update, Water Line Replacement, Water Meters and Customer Portal), City Engineer (Drainage Update, FW Water Update, Planning and Development Director (list of thirteen (13) current developments); Executive session (city manager contract)
Latest Update: Sunday, 30 January, 2022
Tags: #DevelopmentNorth #DevelopmentSouth #FortWorthWater #Streets #TIRZandWilksDev #Chapter380andUNCO #WastewaterTreatmentPlant #StormDrainage #Communications
Public Comments
1. Discussion/Action: to consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of "City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2022" including the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates in the amount not to exceed $5,775,000 to finance the costs of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) acquiring, constructing, improving and maintaining streets, thoroughfares, bridges, alleyways and sidewalks within the City, including related storm drainage improvements, traffic signalization and signage, streetscaping and median improvements, and utility relocations and the acquisition of rights of way therefor, (ii) constructing, acquiring, purchasing, renovating, enlarging, and equipping park facilities and the acquisition of rights of way therefor, and (iii) professional services rendered in relation to such projects and the financing thereof. / As has been discussed at previous Council meetings, Council has authorized staff to develop a Certificate of Obligation package for street and park improvements. While the CO is open any street and park improvements, the focus of this CO is on the attached street improvement

2. Discussion/Action: to approve a resolution authorizing professional service provider(s) selection for the American Rescue Plan Act. [ARPA] / As part of the American Rescue Plan Act funding, we are required to procure administrative and engineering services. Basing this process to that of the Community Development Block Grant, the City of Willow Park asked for Qualifications of various administrative service organizations.
3. Discussion/Action: to consider amending the water and wastewater utility fee schedule to reflect the new Fort Worth impact fees collection rates. / On September 21, 2021 the Fort Worth City Council adopted and increase in the Impact Fee schedule, effective January 1, 2022. An additional increased goes into effect on January 1, 2023. All wholesale customers are expected to include the Fort Worth increases in the impact fees collected starting January 1, 2022.
4. Discussion/Action: to approve a resolution appointing a voting member and alternate to the Wholesale Water and Wastewater Customer Advisory Committee. / The City of Willow Park is a wholesale water customer for the City of Fort Worth. Under the terms of the Wholesale Contract for Services the City will have a Voting Member and Alternate for the water and wastewater System Advisory Committee.
5. Discussion/Action: to consider a Final Plat Lot 1R4, Block A, and Lot 1, Block B, Crown Bluff Addition, being a Replat of Lot 1R2 and Lot 1R3, Block A, Crown Bluff Addition and 7.591 acres, David Addington Survey, Abstract No. 21, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas, located in the 4400 Block of IH-20 Service Road and Clear Fork Circle. / owner, Jamie Mitchell. The Planned Development "Willow Park RV Storage" will consist of 340 recreational vehicle storage units and a leasing office. The storage units will be pre-engineered standing seam metal buildings. The leasing office will be site-built construction with stone and/or brick veneer.

6. Discussion/Action: to authorize the Mayor's signature on a Chapter 380 Agreement between the City and Unco. / During previous deliberations, Council has authorized staff to prepare a Chapter 380 Agreement with UNCO for a restaurant / amusement and entertainment concept to be located along the South Frontage Road of IH 20, near the new TCA Athletic Complex currently under construction. The deal points include:
• Connectivity to the City of Willow Park Wastewater System
• Waiver of all inspection fees and permits up to $20,000
• Rebate on 100% of Ad Valorem Taxes for a 3 year period
7. Discussion/ Action: to consider any future agenda items.
• Public Works Director
o Emergency Preparedness Update
o Water Line Replacement
o Water Meters and Customer Portal #FortWorthWater
Michelle Guelker, Public Works Director gave a brief summary of the following:
Emergency Preparedness
Installed heat trace and wrapped all wells and exposed piping at each well site.
Anti-gelling agent has been added to diesel in generators and other emergency equipment.
All generators, on site and portable, have been inspected and are run on a weekly basis.
Purchased additional load of sand and have salt remaining from last year to put on roads during icy conditions.
Generators on order for locations deemed critical that do not currently have on-site generators.
Water Line Replacement
Working with Derek Turner to develop a water line replacement program and identify areas most in need.
Small sections of Willow Park where the line may be undersized or in general, needs replacement due to age.
Project cost of $100,000 to $150,000.
Currently area of focus is streets south of City Hall to the North Service Road and Willow Springs and Willow Springs Oak area.
Water Meters and Customer Portal #FortWorthWater
All residential and most of smaller commercial meters have been installed.
Plan is in place to change out the larger meters during the next year and as meters become available.
Customer Portal is set to go live January 4.
Derek Turner, City Engineer gave a brief summary of the following:
Drainage Update #StormDrainage
CIP data shows $3.78 M for total improvements
Approximately $1.8 M for main projects
2-3 Months to prepare a bond package
6 months of drainage fee income at that point
Schedule per Attached
Fort Worth Water
Tank foundation 98% complete
Erection and subsurface piping should start shortly after the first of the year
The project appears to be on schedule
Rose Hoffman, Communications and Marketing Director
gave a brief summary on the report regarding the number of notices for the drainage fees. #DrainageManagement #Communications
• Planning and Development Director
Ambulatory Surgery Center @ 125 Mary Lou Dr.
Medical Office Building @ 110 Mary Lou Dr.
G. I. Alliance (Endoscopic Center) @ 130 Jimma Dr.
Willow Park RV Storage @ Lot 1R2 & 1R3, Crown Bluff Add'n (4450 E. 1-20)
The District @ 460 Shops Blvd. (Core & Shell only)
Canvas at Willow Park @ Meadow Place & Kings Gate #TIRZandWilksDev
Trinity Christian Academy Athletic Complex @ 7700 E. Bankhead Hwy
Extra Space Storage @ 4600 E. 1-20
Forney Fence @ 4910 E. 1-20
Willow Crossing Townhomes @ 402 - 538 Willow Crossing E.
The Preserves @ 149 Mary Lou
MK Office Building @ 151 JD Towles (3,332 sq. ft. office building)
First Texas Bank @ 100 Willow Bend
Executive Session
A. Section 551.074 Personnel Matters; City Manager Review
Mayor Moss reconvened into Open Session at 8:38 P.M.
A motion was made by Councilman VanSant to approve an amended City Manager Agreement with City Manager Bryan Grimes that will provide: the term of the Agreement will continue through December 1, 2023; a 4 percent pay raise for Mr. Grimes over his current compensation; and an amended severance amount and benefits from 6 months to 8 months that will increase 1 month for each year served by Mr. Grimes from this day forward, such severance to be capped at 12 months.
Amended city manager contract with Bryan Grimes for another year to 01 December 2023, with a 4% pay raise and “an amended severance amount and benefits from six months to eight months that will increase each year served from this point forward, capped at twelve months.”
A. Mayor & Council Member Comments
Mayor Moss wished everyone a Merry Christmas and thanked staff for all of their hard work.
Councilman Crummel recommended city staff progressively communicate with the public as the city begins to grow. #Communications
B. City Manager's Comments City Manager Bryan Grimes thanked staff for doing a great job and wished them a Merry Christmas.