Summary: presentation of Willow Park Trail Proposal; Proposed Budget for Tax Year 2022 - 2023; City of Willow Park Proposed Tax Rate for Tax Year 2022 - 2023; public hearing and ordinance on Capital Improvements Plan, Land Use Assumptions, amended Water and Wastewater Impact Fees
Location and Time: 516 Ranch House Rd, Willow Park, TX 76087, 7PM
Latest Update: Monday, 26 September, 2022
Tags: #Parks #FortWorthWater #WastewaterTreatmentPlant #StormDrainage #DrainageManagement #Finance #PropertyTax #EMSFirePoliceAmb
Meeting Page (agenda packet, minutes, video) * Minutes approved during the next city council meeting.
Council passes 2023 fiscal year budget, in .pdf, The Community News, 14 September, 2022. budget, tax rate, trail presentation, National Night Out
1. Presentation regarding Trail Proposal #Parks
Larry Colvin is as the President of the Weatherford Mountain Bike Club as well the Senior Designer for Civil, Landscape, and Trails for Baird, Hampton & Brown. Mr. Colvin was instrumental in the design and implementation of the Parks of Aledo Trail sem and has been designing a comprehensive single-track trail plan for the City of Willow Park for over a year.
In addition, Mr. Colvin has also been in contact and involved with the surrounding cities of Annetta, North Annetta, Aledo, Hudson Oaks, and Weatherford, as well as several Parker County officials, to connect all of his proposed trails, those of other cities, and ones existing into one connecting trail system he has named “East Parker County Trails” (EPCoT)
Upon the request of City Staff and Mayor Pro Tem, Lea Young, Mr. Colvin is in the process of getting a Contract submitted for the update of the trail map in our Parks & Trails Master Plan and cost estimates for final design and construction of all Willow Park trails.
01 August 2022 Parks Board Meeting
4. Discussion and presentation by Larry Colvin, Weatherford Mountain Biking Association President, regarding Willow Park Trail System and East Parker County Trail (EPCoT)
North Central Texas Council of Governments
Trails and On-Street Bikeways Network Many cities and counties in the region have developed and adopted bicycle master plans, trail master plans, or a combination of both. Various communities are also developing plans for local pedestrian networks and programs to provide safe routes to schools. Numerous cities and transportation agencies have adopted local policies for bicycle accommodations to encourage bicycling as a form of transportation. The number of locally adopted community bicycle and trail master plans in the region grows each year. These documents were used in the development of Mobility 2045 to ensure regional connectivity and continuity.
Includes Combined Network Map; Combined Network Miles by Facility Status; Demographic Statistics [PDF]; Regional Network; Highlighted Regional Trails, Interactive Map of Trails and On-Street Bikeways
Drive Less Live More brochure What is VeloWeb? The Regional Veloweb is a network of existing and planned off-street, shared-use paths (trails) designed for use by bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorized forms of alternative transportation in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. The network of shared-use paths serves as a system of off-road transportation facilities for bicyclists and other users to extend and complement the region’s roadway and passenger rail transit network. The regional transportation network has approximately 320 miles of existing paths, and it is expected to reach 1,728 miles by 2035. The Regional Veloweb is planned for 12 counties and over 115 cities in North Texas. It is the “interstate” for bicyclists and pedestrians. Cities and counties within the region are responsible for the planning and implementation of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and amenities. The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) takes those plans and promotes connections throughout the region, with a focus on alternative commute routes.

Public Comments
Regular Agenda Items
3. The City Council may conduct a public hearing on the City of Willow Park Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Proposed Budget.
4. Discussion/Action: To consider and act on adopting an ordinance providing for the adoption of the City of Willow Park Municipal budget for Fiscal Year 2022 - 2023.
Background: Council and staff have been working on the budget and the budget process for the past few months. Council had multiple Budget workshops and the statutory Public Hearings on the Budget. The Budget has been readily available on the City website since July 8, 2022. The Budget, for the most part, remained unchanged since the initial workshop.
General Fund: While Council will vote on the Tax Rate in a subsequent agenda item, the M/O levy is below the No New Revenue Rate (NNR) meaning that new value is provided the necessary funds to meet the budget needs. New value, or growth, is supplying funds for additional Police Officers hired in April of the previous budget and increase in Parks Funding.
Water Fund: With the completion of the FW Water Project nearing a conclusion, water revenues have been sustained. Similar to the General Fund, the previous investment of FW Water has allowed us to have competitive wages for the Public Works Department which will allow us to retain the staff we currently have. #FortWorthWater
Wastewater Fund: This fund is the most vulnerable of all funds in the Budget. With approximately half of the water accounts, and the imposition of a new wastewater treatment plant debt, this fund will struggle until additional accounts can be realized. While we did see some modest gains in terms of wastewater revenues in the 4Q of the previous fiscal year, and was discussed at Budget Workshops, staff feels that a transfer from the Water Fund is necessary to sustain the Wastewater Budget. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant
Drainage Fund: With over one year of revenues collected, and the passage of the Certificates of Obligation to address drainage projects throughout the City, this fund will provide the proceeds to service the debt. This fee allows the City to address its drainage projects without additional I/S funding.#DrainageManagement
General Fund Budget • Water Fund Budget • Wastewater Budget • Drainage Fund Budget
Journal of budget activity at Willow Park Civics > City > City Documents > Finance > Budget, Taxes, Debt
5. The City Council may conduct a public hearing on the City of Willow Park Proposed Tax Rate for Tax Year 2022.
6. Discussion/Action: to consider and act on adopting an ordinance adopting an Ad Valorem Tax Rate and levy on assessed property not to exceed $0.538450 per $100 valuation for tax year 2022 for the City of Willow Park, Texas including a Levy for Debt obligations ($0.254509) and a levy for Maintenance and Operations ($0.283941) consistent with the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Municipal Budget.
Background: As has been discussed previously, and voted on during the August 9 City Council Meeting, the proposed Tax Rate for FY 2021 - 2022 is as follows:
M/O: 0.283941
I/S: 0.254509
Total Rate: $0.538450
Journal of budget activity at Willow Park Civics > City > City Documents > Finance > Budget, Taxes, Debt
7. The City Council may conduct a public hearing to consider the amendments to the City of Willow Park Capital Improvements Plan and Land Use Assumptions and amended Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. Open Public Hearing Close Public Hearing.
8. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance for the City of Willow Park approving the amended Capital Improvements Plan, Land Use Assumptions and the amended schedule of water and wastewater impact fees.
Background: Capital Improvement Advisory Committee Report. The Capital Improvements Advisory Committee met on August 16, 2022 and forwards the following recommendation to City Council:
1. Land Use Assumptions (LUA). The Land Use Assumptions are a description of the service area and show the projected changes in land use, densities, and population in the service area for the next 10 years. The Committee recommends approval of the Land Use Assumptions and the existing Land Use Map and Future Land Use Map. Pages 7 & 8 Capital Improvement Plan August 2022
2. Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). The Capital Improvements Plan is based on the Land Use Assumptions recommended in Item 1. The CIP details the capital improvements to be made over the term (10 years) of the plan. The CIP includes the recommended water and wastewater system improvements, street improvements, and drainage improvements. The Committee recommends approval of the Capital Improvements Plan. Capital Improvement Plan August 2022
3. Water And Wastewater Impact Fees Impact Fees allow the city to recoup, from property development, some of the costs new development places on city infrastructure. Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code 395.004(4). These Impact Fees pay certain costs for constructing capital improvements for facility expansion for water supply, treatment, distribution and wastewater collection, and treatment facilities. The Committee recommends approval of the Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. Pages 27 and 28 Water & Wastewater Impact Study #WastewaterTreatmentPlant #FortWorthWater
Exhibits: [See Agenda Packet]
2022.09.13 Brief - CIP Committee Report
Willow Park CIP Discussion
Willow Park CIP Discussion 081022
DRAFT - Ordinance City of Willow Park Update Water and Wastewater Impact Fee 2022
16 August 2022, 16 August 2022, Capital Improvement Advisory Committee Meeting
Willow Park Civics > City > Documents > Capital Improvement Plan
Willow Park Civics > City Services > Water
Willow Park Civics > City Services > Wastewater
Mayor Comments [none]
Council Comments
Minutes: Councilman Runnebaum thanked city council and staff regarding the increase of sales tax revenue. He also stated that 30% of the sales tax revenue goes to Parker County, and that the City of Willow Park has yet to see any benefits from the county of the funds received from the city. Councilman Runnebaum continued that the Commissioners have recently given themselves a substantial raise over $17K including auto allowances over $20K. He stated he will be looking into this issue further and there will be more discussion about it later.
Minutes: Councilman Contreras requested an agenda item to move the city council meeting time from 7:00 PM to 6:00 PM. He also stated he has been working on calculation regarding the City of Willow Park Fire Department and ESD 1. He stated constituents may contact him via cell phone or his Facebook. He also requested everyone keep the Galle family in their prayers as they are going through a difficult time. #EMSFirePoliceAmb
Minutes: Mayor Pro Tem Young requested a debt discussion regarding streets be placed on the next agenda. #Finance
Minutes: Chief West mentioned National Night Out will be at the Public Safety Building on Tuesday, October 4th at 5:30 PM. #EMSFirePoliceAmb
Executive session
