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13 August 2024 Council Meeting

Updated: Aug 24

Agenda Items: bidding for El Chico City Hall $1M new parking lot and park; Kings Gate Park Concept Plan and costs; 3rd Quarter Financial Report; adopt new City Financial Policy; issuing debt for water - wastewater; Tax Rate and Budget Workshop FY 24-25; City's new Code of Ordinances; voting members for Fort Worth Wholesale Water and Wastewater Committee; rescinding 3 ordinance of land annexation on 1187; Ex. Session, Halff & Asso. Litigation, Beall Dev. Agreement, Brothers In Christ Annexation

• Location and Time: El Chico City Hall, 120 El Chico, Suite A, Willow Park, Texas 76087, 6PM

Meeting Page Agenda packet (in .pdf) minutes approved during the next meeting Youtube video

Facebook • Watch live during Meeting (No Facebook account required.) Facebook Video Before Executive Session Facebook Video After Executive SessionYoutube Video

Latest Update: 23 August 2024 added minutes and WPC Blog; 19 August 2024 posted videos; posted 09 August 2024

• Note: Willow Park Civics is about Willow Park but is NOT associated with or managed by the City of Willow Park.

• Index: Public Comments, Agenda, [Sources] and Resources


Public Comments

From approved minutes posted with the next Council Meeting agenda. 

Minutes: Francis Horch at 901 Sam Bass Ct. and Brad McKerley at 109 Trinity Drive both spoke before the City Council.


2. Discussion/Action: approval for Westwood Professional Services to proceed with the bid process and start the City Hall parking lot project. #CityHall #Parks


On June 24, 2024 [25 June 2024. See WPC Research], City Council approved the conceptual design plan for the City Hall parking lot as created by Dorothy Witmeyer and Glenda Arroyo of Westwood Professional Services, Inc. The cost estimate for this design is approximately $1,054,700 which includes a 30% contingency. Following Council’s design approval, Westwood has continued forward with 60% Design Development and 90% to Final Construction Plans to ready the project for bids.

Presenting today is the request to begin the bid process with funding for the start of the parking lot project within 8-10 weeks.

Exhibits • Willow Park City Hall’s Parking Lot Schematic Design by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. • Engineer’s Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for City Hall Parking Lot [in.pdf]


To table approval for Westwood Professional Services to proceed with the bid process and start the City Hall parking lot project after discussion of agenda item 3. To postpone the bid process until the City can get a conceptual design adding Memorial Park

Willow Park Civics Research

25 June 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 6. Discussion/Action: to approve a conceptual schematic design for the City Hall's parking lot frontage as prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc., and create plans for design development and construction.

Willow Park Blog > Willow Park City Hall Index 

Willow Park Blog > New Landscaping for New City Hall 

 Willow Park Blog > New City Hall: Debt Done 13 June 2023. The City has issued debt of $8.5M to purchase and improve the entire building at 120 El Chico Trail.

• [See Source 1.] 12 December 2023 Council Meeting 7. Discussion/Action: to approve a contact proposal for professional services with Westwood Professional Services, Inc.


In an effort to beautify the frontage of City Hall with landscaping and increase the parking area...The total for the Civil Engineering and Architectural Services is $72,600, with an additional $16,000 for the optional services of Utility Plan, Electrical Engineering, and Structural Engineering, for a total of $88,600. These funds are available within those appropriated for the improvements to City Hall upon its purchase.

3. Discussion/Action: Kings Gate Park Concept Plans and Memorial Park consideration for relocation. #Parks

Background: [Sources in Willow Park Civics Research]

Upon the approval of City Council [1], Staff met with Dorothy Witmeyer and Glenda Arroyo of Westwood Professional Services, Inc. to review their first and second concept plan renderings for potential programming of Kings Gate Park, all of which was presented to the Parks Board for discussion at their quarterly meeting on August 6, 2024. [2]

The creation of these concepts considered the 2019 Parks & Trails Master Plan [3] and its community feedback, and the park’s current uses, demographics, and topography for the near 30-acre park. For more current results, Westwood suggests that a new community survey be conducted before adopting any design as growth and demographics changes can affect interests for park amenities. This process would likely involve two town hall meetings, one to request what to ask, and a second to disclose the results.

The estimated cost for all improvements is totaled at $7,813,950, and separated into three Areas (phases), ranging from what is perceived to be most urgent and easiest to accomplish as Area 1, and progressing to more complex elements in Areas 2 and 3.

During initial City Hall parking lot discussions with Westwood, adding parkland to the City Hall site was discussed and Staff agreed that the future of the Memorial Park at 516 Ranch House Rd. needed to be decided. While brainstorming, it was suggested that the park be moved to the site of City Hall. Albeit a separate project, the conceptual plan for the City Hall parking lot shows a space in the southwest corner for “Future Development – Memorial Park”. While requesting the cost estimate for Kings Gate Park, Staff also asked Ms. Witmeyer to provide an estimate for the addition of [Veterans Park] to the City Hall property. A conceptual design has not yet been requested, but a cost estimate for basic elements expected for such a project is $610,000 with a 30% contingency.

Exhibits: • Kings Gate Park Concept Designs by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. [in .pdf] • Engineer’s Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for City Hall Parking Lot [

in .pdf] • Willow Park City Hall’s Parking Lot Schematic Design by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. • Engineer’s Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for Memorial Park/Plaza

Minutes: No action was taken.

Willow Park Civics Research:

[2] 06 August 2024 Parks Board Meeting, Agenda Item 3. Discussion: Concept for Kings Gate Park improvements by Westwood Professional Services.

 07 May 2024 Parks Board Meeting, Agenda Item 5. Presentation by Dorothy Witmeyer, Westwood Professional Services, regarding Kings Gate Park programming proposal. 

Excerpt The attached contract as presented to City Council is for the professional services of Westwood Professional Services, Inc., in the amount of $32,400 for programming Kings Gate Park. These funds are currently available within the Parks Budget for Professional Services.

[1] 14 May 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 6. Discussion/Action: to approve an agreement with Westwood Professional Services for Kings Gate Park

 Including Kings Gate Park in the City's Parks Master Plan, Willow Park Civics Blog, posted 21 May 2024

• Willow Park Trails Master Plan and the Trails Amendment (EPCoT) Master Plan in .pdf

Ready to Ride. WP Trail Amendment Master Plan Approved. Willow Park Civics Blog, 20 October 2023

Willow Park Parks and Trails Index, Willow Park Civics Blog. Summary: Willow Park Civics Blogs, Willow Park Parks Board Meetings and Council Meetings, Parks Board

4. Discussion/Action: to approve the 3rd Quarter Financial Report. #Finance

• Background: Review and provide an update on the 3rd fiscal quarter 2023-2024 financial activity of the city.

• Exhibits: Financial Reports as of June 30, 2024.

5. Discussion/Action: to adopt the City's Financial Policy. #Finance

Background: The financial policy was last updated in 2018. Upon the auditors request to increase the capitalization threshold we have submitted an updated policy.

Exhibits: Financial Policy

6. POSTPONED Discussion/Action: to consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of “City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2024A” including the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates in the amount not to exceed $5,135,000 to finance the costs of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) constructing, acquiring, purchasing, renovating, enlarging, equipping, and improving water and wastewater system properties or facilities, including the acquisition of land and rights-of-way therefor, and (ii) professional services rendered in connection with such projects and the financing thereof. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant #FortWorthWater #Finance


As referenced at the prior Council meeting, a portion of the Certificate of Obligation would fund activities with an impending development. It was expected that the developer’s agreement would finalize by the August 13th meeting. However, due to scheduling conflicts with multiple parties in the negotiations, the DA has not been finalized. Staff and the developer are actively working daily to finalize an agreement, and staff expects this matter to be resolved in a timely manner.

The Texas Attorney General, who oversees and reviews all bonds, allows municipalities to postpone the issuance of debt, and per bond counsel, Kristen Savant, the City of Willow Park can postpone the issuance of debt until a date certain.

Minutes: To postpone consideration of all matters relating to the issuance and sale of "City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2024A" to the regular City Council meeting on September 24, 2024.

Willow Park Civics Research:

23 July 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 8. Discussion Only: Certificate of Obligation for Series 2024A Water and Wastewater.

7. Discussion Only: Tax Rate and Budget Workshop for the FY 24-25. #Finance

Background: This is the 2nd Budget Workshop of this fiscal year. Staff trued up some line items such as insurance costs, lease costs, etc. Included in this discussion is the proposed tax rate for Council consideration at a future meeting, presumably August 27. Included in the discussion:

• 2024 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet from the CAD

• Staff Tax Rate Worksheet

• City Debt Spreadsheet (All Funds)

• Public Hearing Notice (Proposed)

Minutes: City Manager Bryan Grimes presented the proposed Tax Rate and Budget for FY 24-25. City Council will vote to approve the tax rate and adopt the budget at September 10th meeting.

Willow Park Civics Research:

 Willow Park is planning to increase the property tax rate for 2024 - 2025. Willow Park Civics Blog, posted 19 August, 2024

 During the 13 August 2024 Council Meeting, the City proposed a “small tax rate increase” of .0349¢ because of the increases in both M&O (maintenance and operation) and I&S (debt payments). Willow Park Citizens are encouraged attend and speak during the next two Council meetings, 27 August and 10 September.

23 July 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 7. Discussion Only: Budget Workshop for the FY 24-25 Budget.

• Minutes City Manager, Bryan Grimes did the presentation of the proposed budget. He will be filing the preliminary FY 24-25 Budget with the City Secretary. July 25th is the deadline for the Certified Appraisal Tax Roll to be provided to the city. At the August 27th city council meeting, City Council will discuss the tax rate, vote on proposed tax rate and set the public hearing for the budget and tax rate for September 10th.

8. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance enacting the City's new Code of Ordinances.


At the June 28, 2022 City Council meeting [See WPC Research below.], the City Council voted to approve a contract with Franklin Legal Publishing to codify the city’s code of ordinances.

Staff has reviewed the submitted final draft by General Code and recommends adoption of the newly codified code of ordinances for the city. The draft represents the ordinances of the city, along with the revisions made as a result of the city’s editorial and legal review. After the City Council approves the Draft, General Code will proceed with publication and delivery of the Code.

Exhibits: Proposed Ordinance, Excerpts

Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Willow Park, Texas, consisting of Chapters 1 through 14, each inclusive, is hereby adopted and enacted which shall supersede all other general and permanent ordinances of the City passed on or before May 14, 2024.

Section 5. Unless a differing penalty is expressly provided for within the Code,

• every person convicted of a general violation of any provision of the Code or any rule, ordinance, or police regulation of the City shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $2,000.00

• for violations of all such rules, ordinances and police regulations that govern fire safety, zoning, or public health and sanitation, not to exceed $4,000.00

• for violations of all such rules, ordinances and police regulations that govern the dumping of refuse,

• and not exceeding $500.00 for all other violations.

Each act of violation and each day upon which any such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense. The penalty provided by this section, unless another penalty is expressly provided, shall apply to the amendment of any Code section, whether or not such penalty is reenacted in the amendatory ordinance. In addition to the penalty prescribed above, the City may pursue other remedies such as abatement of nuisances, injunctive relief and revocation of licenses or permits.

Willow Park Civics Research:

28 June 2022 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 6. Discussion/Action: to approve a proposal from Franklin Legal Publishing for codification services

Background: The city’s code of ordinances has not been codified since 2019. Staff is making a recommendation to recodify the entire code so that the correct ordinances and most recent ordinances are codified.

Exhibits • Proposal for Codification Services by Franklin Legal Publishing > Willow Park’s Investment The price of the recommended solution will be $12,395. / Investment details and options. The cost would be broken up into two different budget years which would be this FY and next FY. The initial cost will be $1,790 to begin the process.

Research City of Willow Park Ordinance @ Franklin Legal Publishing

9. Discussion/Action: to approve a resolution appointing a voting member and alternate to the Fort Worth Wholesale Water and Wastewater Customer Advisory Committee. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant #FortWorthWater

Background: The City of Willow Park is a wholesale water customer for the City of Forth Worth. Under the terms of the Wholesale Contract for Services the City will have a Voting Member and Alternate for the water and wastewater System Advisory Committee. Staff will need City Council to appoint a Voting Member and an Alternate member to the Committee. The term for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025.

Exhibits: • Resolution • Appointment Form

Minutes: To approve a resolution appointing Michelle Guelker, Public Works Director as  voting member and Gretchen Vazquez, City Engineer as alternate to the Fort  Worth Wholesale Water and Wastewater Customer Advisory Committee.  

Agenda Items 10, 11, 12 and 14b.are related to the annexation of Annexation of apprc 232 acres on 1187. See Willow Park Civics Blog below. #DevelopmentSouth

Minutes: Agenda items 10 – 12 were moved and discussed in executive session.

10. Consider and take action on an ordinance rescinding Ordinance No. 905-24 adopted at the June 11, 2024 Council meeting accepting a petition to expand the City of Willow Park’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction to include a 3.208 acre tract and a 228.4 acre tract of land owned by Brothers in Christ Properties, LLC.

• No Background or Exhibits in current Agenda.

11. Consider and take action on a resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2024-01 adopted at the June 11, 2024 Council meeting declaring the City’s intent to begin annexation of 7,313 feet of East Bankhead Highway.

• No Background or Exhibits in current Agenda.

12. Consider and take action on a resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2024-02 adopted at the June 11, 2024 Council meeting accepting the annexation petitions from Brothers in Christ Properties, LLC for a 3.208 acre tract and a 228.4 acre tract.

• No Background or Exhibits in current Agenda.

Willow Park Research:

11 June 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Items 6, 7, 8

Executive Session


Agenda Item 10. To adopt an ordinance rescinding Ordinance No. 905-24 adopted at the June 11, 2024 Council meeting accepting a petition to expand the City of Willow Park’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction to include a 3.208 acre tract and a 228.4 acre tract of land owned by Brothers in Christ Properties, LLC.

Agenda Item 11. To approve a resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2024-01 adopted at the June 11, 2024 Council meeting declaring the City’s intent to begin annexation of 7,313 feet of East Bankhead Highway.

Agenda Item 12. To approve a resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2024-02 adopted at the June 11, 2024 Council meeting accepting the annexation petitions from Brothers in Christ Properties, LLC for a 3.208 acre tract and a 228.4 acre tract.

13. Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney; Halff & Associates Litigation.

14. 551.087 - Economic Development Negotiations; 551.071 Consultation with City Attorney;

14a. Beall Development Agreement;

Willow Park Civics Research

13 August 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 14b.

 23 July 2023 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 10a

25 June 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 11

11 June 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 11

28 May 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 5

14 May 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 10

23 April 2024 Council Meeting, Executive Session Agenda Item 8.

26 March 2024 Council Meeting, Executive Session Agenda Item 7. 551.087 - Economic Development Negotiations; 551.071 Consultation with City Attorney; Beall Deve13 August 2024 Council Meetinglopment

27 February 2024 Council Meeting, Executive Session Agenda Item 12. 551.087 - Economic Development Negotiations; 551.071 Consultation with City Attorney; Beall Development Agreement.

14b. Brothers In Christ Annexation.

Willow Park Civics Research

• See 13 August 2024 Council Meeting above, Agenda Items 10, 11, 12 and 14b. 

Willow Park Civics Research: Willow Park Civics Blog > Willow Park is growing 232 acres in land, 1+ in business, and 100+ in residential. Annexation on FM 1187. posted 26 June 2024

Informational  Minutes

• Mayor and City Council Comments

• Mayor Moss thanked everyone for their continued time and service.

• City Manager Comments

• City Manager Grimes announced Texas Municipal League Conference will be held in Houston, TX from October 9th – 11th.

• The Parker County Chamber Luncheon will be on Wednesday, August 14th and the

• Ribbon Cutting for Trinity Trails at Kings Gate Park will be held on Thursday, August 15th.

Willow Park Civics Sources and Resources

• [Source 1] 12 December 2023 Council Meeting Agenda Item 7. Discussion/Action: to approve a contact proposal for professional services with Westwood Professional Services, Inc.


In an effort to beautify the frontage of City Hall with landscaping and increase the parking area, City Staff reached out to Dorothy Witmeyer of Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (previously Pacheco Koch) for help.

After meeting with Staff and understanding our requests for site improvements, Dorothy presented us with the attached proposal for Civil Engineering and Architectural Services, with optional assistance with Utility Plan, Electrical Engineering, and Structural Engineering. This proposal does not include the surveying of this area as this has already been done by Jacob & Martin at Staff’s previous request.

The total for the Civil Engineering and Architectural Services is $72,600, with an additional $16,000 for the optional services of Utility Plan, Electrical Engineering, and Structural Engineering, for a total of $88,600. These funds are available within those appropriated for the improvements to City Hall upon its purchase.


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