• Agenda Items: rezoning for Country Hollow project; two interlocal agreements with Parker Co for road repairs; Parker Co dispatch services; repeal juvenile curfew; new fees for water, wastewater, drainage

• Location and Time: El Chico City Hall, 120 El Chico, Suite A, Willow Park, Texas 76087, 6PM
• Meeting Page (agenda packet (in .pdf), minutes (Youtube video) / (Minutes approved during the next meeting.) Facebook Video (starts at 4:30) FB Video after Executive Session
• Choose Tags for addl. info: #DevelopmentSouth #Streets #EMSFirePoliceAmb #FortWorthWater #DrainageManagement #WastewaterTreatmentPlant
• Latest Update: Monday, 09 October, 2023, added minutes; Monday, 18 September, 2023 added Willow Park Civics meeting notes; Saturday, 16 September, 2023, added Council approves new wastewater rates, Noise ordinance revamped, juvenile curfew lifted, Country Hollow rezoning, road repair renewal, dispatch renewal. The Community News, 15 September 2023 in .pdf.; Thursday, 14 September, 2023 added videos, Willow Park Civics Meeting Notes and two WPC blogs; Friday, 08 September, 2023
2. PUBLIC HEARING to consider a request for change in rezoning of “PD” Planned Development District for Red River Development’s single-family dwelling subdivision of Country Hollow of 19.16 acres John H. Phelps Survey, Abstract No. 1046, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas.
• Exhibit: Notice of Public Hearing
3. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance of the City of Willow Park, Texas, providing for a zoning change of “PD” Planned Development District for Red River Development’s single-family dwelling subdivision of Country Hollow, 19.16 acres situated within the John Phelps survey, abstract no 1046, City of Willow Park, Texas; repealing conflicting ordinances; providing for a severability; and providing for an effective date. #DevelopmentSouth
• Background: The proposed Planned Development PD R-5, subdivision of Country Hollow, consists of 19.16 acres of land to be developed with single-family housing on individual lots. The property was annexed by petition on November 9, 2021, and the PD R-5 Planned Development District was approved by City Council on April 12, 2022, Ordinance 857-22. Approval of this request will also require the amendment of Ordinance No. 857-22 to amend the PD. The Applicant is requesting changes to the PD zoning to accommodate the existing architectural plans of the new home builder who has issued a Letter of Intent to purchase and develop the subdivision.
• Exhibits: • Rezoning Application • Proposed Ordinance 2023-____ • Ordinance Exhibit A – Concept Construction (Site) Plan • Final Plat approved by City Council on 2/28/23 • Redlined Mark-Up of Ordinance 857-22 with Staff Revisions included
• Willow Park Civics Notes: meeting video 9:50
• Close on sale of property in November; 99% engineered; will start construction in December 2023; will be quick build.
• New entry designs.
• 100% masonry, except smaller facades not on front, ie. chimney and gables.
• Builder will pay the City a fee instead of having the required dedicated park space.
• Area around retention ponds will be landscaped and large trees along Hunters Glen shared property line will be saved.
• Willow Park Civics Research
• Willow Park Civics Blog > Country Hollow, new builder and new start for Willow Park housing development. 22 August 2023, maps, data, history of project
• See above for The Community News council review.
4. Discussion/Action: to approve an interlocal agreement with Parker County for road repairs in Precinct Four. #Streets
• Background: The Interlocal Agreement with Parker County for road repairs is renewed annually. Parker County approved the agreement August 28, 2023.
• Willow Park Civics Notes: Renewed annually and new road construction will be considered as an addendum, like Emsley Road in agenda item 5 below.
• Willow Park Civics Research
• Willow Park Civics Blog > Cancelled - 31 August 2023 Special Council Meeting
• See above for The Community News council review.
• Willow Park Civics Glossary > Legislative and Government
• Texas Department of Information Resource > Interstate Cooperation Contracts (ICC) The provision is designed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of local governments by authorizing them to contract with each other.

5. Discussion/Action: to approve an addendum with Parker County for road repairs on Emsley Road in Precinct Four. #Streets
• Willow Park Civics Research

• Willow Park website, 29 August 2023
Chip seal project begins Aug. 29 on Emsley/Live Oak
County crews will begin work TODAY (August 29) on a project to chip seal Emsley Drive and Live Oak Drive (east from Crown to Emsley).
Crews will be on scene to help direct traffic during the work, but we suggest taking alternate routes if you don't live on one of those streets. Please pardon the mess in the meantime as we work to make Willow Park better for you!
• "Chipseal (also chip seal or chip and seal) is a pavement surface treatment that combines one or more layer(s) of asphalt with one or more layer(s) of fine aggregate. In the United States, chipseals are typically used on rural roads carrying lower traffic volumes, and the process is often referred to as asphaltic surface treatment. This type of surface has a variety of other names including tar-seal[1] or tarseal,[2] tar and chip, sprayed seal[3] or surface dressing.[4]" Wikipedia
6. Discussion/Action: to approve an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between Parker County and the City of Willow Park for dispatch services. #EMSFirePoliceAmb
• Background: Addendum to the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Parker County and the City of Willow Park for law enforcement dispatch services to be effective October 1, 2023. Addendum will raise compensation services from $77,048.00 to $91,967.00 in order for Parker County to provide dispatch services to the City of Willow Park.
• Willow Park Civics Notes: During the 11 October 2022 City Council Meeting, Parker County Sheriff's Office increased fees to provide dispatch services to participating city police departments, including the Willow Park Police Dept; the fees for WPPD went from $70K annually to $200K annually. In order to meet that significant increase, the City agreed increase the dispatch service fee annually to reach that amount.
• Willow Park Civics Research
• Willow Park Civics Blog > 11 October 2022 Council Meeting agenda item 3. Discussion/Action: to approve an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Parker County and the City of Willow Park for law enforcement dispatch services.
• See above for The Community News council review.
7. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Willow Park, Texas rescinding and repealing article 8.02 minors of the Willow Park Cod of Ordinances which established a juvenile curfew; providing a severability clause; providing a savings clause; providing for an effective date. #EMSFirePoliceAmb
• Background: Texas Legislature passed House Bill 1819 that prohibits a political subdivision from adopting or enforcing an ordinance that imposes a curfew to regulate the movements or actions of person
• Willow Park Civics Research
• Willow Park Civics Blog > Juvenile curfew repealed. Willow Park repeals City juvenile curfew based on new TX state law.
• Willow Park Civics Notes:
• Meeting video: 23:50
• Council question: "Have we ever had to utilize that ordinance?" Chief Franklin answer: We have. I wouldn’t say we used it a lot but we did have curfew violations quite often that we enforced after midnight or 1 or 2 in the morning.
• See above for The Community News council review.
• Legiscan > Status: Passed on June 9 2023 - 100% progressionAction: 2023-06-09 - Effective on 9/1/23
• Fort Worth to end curfew for minors ahead of state legislative override, Fort Worth Report, 27 January 2023
8. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance of the City of Willow Park, Texas repealing and rescinding the previous Noise Ordinance contained in Chapter 8 “OFFENSES AND NUISANCES”, Article 8.03 “NOISE” and amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Willow Park, Texas, Chapter 8 “OFFENSES AND NUISANCES,” by adopting a new Article 8.03, “NOISE”; providing definitions; providing applicability; providing offenses; providing for the authorization of Temporary Noise Permits; providing for appeal of the denial of a Temporary Noise Permit; providing for a penalty not to exceed $500 for violations and that each day during or on which a violation occurs shall be deemed a separate offense; providing a severability clause; providing a cumulative repealer clause; providing for publication; providing for engrossment and enrollment; and providing an effective date.
• Background: The current noise ordinance is confusing and difficult to enforce. Several sections of the current ordinance tend to contradict other sections. The current ordinance also gives terms that are easily misinterpreted, and those terms are what create a violation. Current ordinance also does not state in any way who is responsible for the noise violation. Due to the discrepancies and unclear terms, a new ordinance that is clear and easily enforceable has been drafted. The proposed new ordinance clearly defines what constitutes a violation and list who is responsible for the violation of the ordinance.
• Willow Park Civics Research
• See above for The Community News council review.
• 25 October 2022 Council Meeting, agenda item 6. Discussion/Action: to accept the Acoustical Report from Sowden and Associates.
• The Community News review of council meeting: Ice House noise debate quietens, (in .pdf),The Community News, 28 October 2022,
• 09 August 2022 Council Meeting, 9. Discussion / Action: to enter into agreement with Sowden and Associates for Acoustical Consulting Services.
• 10 May 2022 Council Meeting, agenda item 9. Discussion/Action: for the City Council to discuss the City's noise ordinance regulating noise related offenses contained in Article 8.03 of the Code of Ordinances, including the amendment of same. (YouTube Video 47:10)
• Willow Park Civics > Issues > Parker County Ice House Noise
9. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Willow Park, Texas, adopting a Comprehensive Fee and Rate Schedule for the following Enterprise Fund Utility Rates/Services/Charges for Fiscal Year 2023/24, including Water Impact Fees, Water Tap Fees Wastewater Impact Fees, Wastewater Tap Fees, Drainage Impact Fees, Utility Deposits/Fees, Water Base Rates, Water Volumetric Charges, Wastewater Rates, Solid Waste Rates, Additional Utility Services Charges, and Water Meter Costs; amending various city ordinances; and containing a severability clause and an effective date. #DrainageManagement #FortWorthWater #WastewaterTreatmentPlant
• Presentation Highlights
Changes include the increase on the sewer rate as proposed by New Gen from $20.00 to $24.80 for residential and $20.00 to $31.74 for commercial. The volumetric charge will increase from $5.15 to $6.39 for residential and $8.18 for Commercial.
Account Units Current Base New Base
Gates 209 $ 20.00 $ 4,146.56
Preserve 152 $ 20.00 $ 3,015.68
Olympus 259 $ 20.00 $ 5,138.56
Canvas 111 $ 20.00 $ 2,202.24
The rate ordinance also includes a multi-family base rate change. Currently multi-family is paying a $20.00 flat base and under the new ordinance, the base will be a charge of 80% on the total number of units at the facility.
Other changes include requiring a $50.00 deposit on garbage only accounts and an after-hours fee for non-emergencies and standbys. A separate category of Residential Rental was also created with a deposit amount of $200.00. Unfortunately, the current deposit for $100.00 does not usually cover the bills left behind by renters. The increase, while may not cover the entire bill, will reduce the amount lost when renters
• Exhibits: Water Impact Fees, Water Tap Fees Wastewater Impact Fees, Wastewater Tap Fees, Drainage Impact Fees, Utility Deposits/Fees, Water Base Rates, Water Volumetric Charges, Wastewater Rates, Solid Waste Rates, Additional Utility Services
• Willow Park Civics Research
• Willow Park Civics Blog > Willow Park utility bill increases, on the heals of the City's (celebrated) tax decrease.
• See above for The Community News council review.
• 22 August 2023 Council Meeting, 8. Discussion/Action: to accept the water and wastewater study from NewGen Strategies and Solutions.
• NewGen Strategies and Solutions presentation in .pdf

10. Discussion/Action: to approve a Resolution appointing a voting member and alternate to the Wholesale Water and Wastewater Customer Advisory Committee. #FortWorthWater
• Background: The City of Willow Park is a wholesale water customer for the City of Forth Worth. Under the terms of the Wholesale Contract for Services the City will have a Voting Member and Alternate for the water and wastewater System Advisory Committee.
• Exhibit: Ordinance
• Willow Park Civics Research
• 27 September 2022 Council Meeting, agenda item 5. Discussion/Action: to approve a resolution appointing a voting member and alternate to the Wholesale Water and Wastewater Customer Advisory Committee.
• Advisory Committee. "Each entity that purchases wholesale drinking water or wastewater services from Fort Worth appoints a primary and alternate representative to the committee. The committee normally meets in December and June of each year with the leadership of the Fort Worth water utility to discuss activities and regulatory matters of interest to the group."
• List of List of Drinking Water Wholesale Customers (33)
Mayor and City Council Comments
• Mayor Moss thanked the City Council for their cooperation, and he enjoys working with them.
• Councilman Contreras mentioned he is very excited about the progress of the street improvement project, and he is looking forward to the roads opening soon.
Executive Session
• 11. Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney; Halff & Associates Litigation. #FortWorthWater
• Willow Park Civics Research
• 08 August 2023 Council Meeting. Halff & Associates Litigation.
• Willow Park Blog > Council votes to sue designer of Fort Worth Water Project, 27 July 2023
• 18 July 2023 Special Council Meeting, Executive Session, Halff & Associates possible litigation
• 27 June 2023 Council Meeting, Executive Session Status of negotiations/potential litigation with Halff Engineering
• 13 April 2023 Council Meeting, Executive Session Consultation with Attorney; - Status of negotiations/potential litigation with Halff Engineering
• 28 November 2022 Special Council Meeting, Executive Session, Consultation with Attorney - deliberation about dispute with Halff Associates regarding the Fort Worth Water Project
• 15 November 2022 Council Meeting, Executive Session, Consultation with Attorney - deliberation about dispute with Halff Associates regarding the Fort Worth Water Project
• 12 April 2022 Council Meeting, Executive Session Consultation with Attorney - deliberation about dispute with Halff Associates regarding Fort Worth Water project
12. Section 551.074 Personnel Matters; City Secretary Review
• Willow Park Civics Notes: Increased City Secretary annual salary by 5%.
• Out of Executive Session ; To approve a 5 percent raise in salary for the City Secretary for the FY 2023-2024.