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12 October 2021 Council Meeting

Updated: Mar 27, 2022

Public Comments

  • KJ Hannah at Melbourne Drive, speaker notes, #FortCardRoom

  • Kyle Bryson at Willow Bend Dr., update on Parker County Ice House (owner)

  • Chad Dotson at Sam Bass Rd., loud music from Parker County Ice House

    • See Issues > Parker County Icehouse.

  • Harold Heisch at Crown Rd. #StormDrainage

  • Dale Lewis at Camouflage Cir. #TinyRentalHouses

  • Marcy Galle at Squaw Creek Rd., speaker notes, #FortCardRoom, #CommercialAmusementOrdinance, "I assume the absence of this topic in closed session means that there is no lawsuit… using a potential lawsuit to avoid discussing the matter during the meeting is not in the best interest of the public. If counsel is discussing this matter one-on-one with the attorney if you were not holding the spirit of the Texas open meetings act. Parker County Ice House, #StormDrainage

Public Hearing #TinyRentalHouses

Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS, THAT: The City of Willow Park, Texas proposes to institute annexation proceedings to enlarge and extend the boundary of said city to include the following described territory. To-wit: BEING 19.16 acres of land [north of Hunters Glen Community and east of the Bay Hill Drive] situated in the John H. Phelps Survey, Abstract No. 1046, Parker County, Texas, and being a portion of a 52.283 acre tract described in deed to D & M, a Texas General Partnership recorded in Volume 1403, Page 1713, Real Property Records, Parker County, Texas.

Public Hearing Comments:

  • Ryan Neill

  • David Snider

  • Marcy Galle

  • [editorial comment: All opposed the development, not annexation. Galle pointed out there is no current zoning ordinances to support this density, and the annexation survey submitted may be incorrect.]

1. Discussion/Action: An ordinance annexing the approximately 19.16 acres of land into the City limits of Willow Park and approving an annexation services agreement with the property owners of the annexed tract.

A motion was made by Councilman Young to postpone the item to the next meeting and Councilman Runnebaum seconded the motion. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.

Agenda Items

1. Discussion/Action: A Preliminary Plat for Dove Ridge Addition being 11.461 acres of land International & Great Northern Railroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 2007, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas located on the southwest corner of Emsley Road and White Settlement Road.

2. Discussion/Action: A Final Plat for Dove Ridge Addition being 11.461 acres of land International & Great Northern Railroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 2007, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas located on the southwest corner of Emsley Road and White Settlement Road. #DevelopmentNorth

3. Discussion / Action: Setting the Date, Time, and Location of Regular Council meetings for the Willow Park City Council.

4. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on designating the official newspaper of the City of Willow Park for the fiscal year 2021-2022.

5. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on Approving Holiday Schedule for FY 2021 — 2022.

6. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on all matters incident and related to approving and authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation in an amount not to exceed $7,500,000 for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) acquiring, constructing, improving and maintaining streets, thoroughfares, bridges, alleyways and sidewalks within the City, including related storm drainage improvements, traffic signalization and signage, streetscaping and median improvements, and utility relocations and the acquisition of rights of way therefor, (ii) constructing, acquiring, purchasing, renovating, enlarging, and equipping park facilities and the acquisition of rights of way therefor, and (iii) professional services rendered in relation to such projects and the financing thereof, including the adoption of a Resolution pertaining thereto. #Streets

Executive session (Video 2)

A. 551. 087 (economic development negotiations); 551.071 (consultation with attorney): Chapter 380 incentives #Chapter380andUNCO

No action taken.


A. Mayor & Council Member Comments

Mayor Moss gave a brief report on the successful Rayfield Wright Golf Tournament. He also gave a special thanks to all the sponsors, former NFL players, Chief West, Chief Lenoir and Chairman Penny Shelton. #WrightGolfTournament

Councilman Young requested the following to be placed on the regular November or December council agenda: Future Agenda Items; proposed amended ordinances #CommercialAmusementOrdinance; an update on the rate study on waste water; a report from the City Engineer on specific road projects to set the final amount for the Certificate of Obligation for the December 14th council meeting #Streets. She also thanked everyone who helped with the golf tournament.

Councilman Contreras requested an update on the amended ordinances.

Councilman Crummel requested an update on the City Hall project. #CityHall

B. City Manager’s Comments

Bryan Grimes, City Manager gave a sales tax update. The city has brought in $120,970.33 in sales tax revenue which is up 22 percent from last October.


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