Latest Update: Sunday, 27 March, 2022
Agenda and Packet / Minutes (Not posted as of March 2022.)
1. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act to receive and accept a petition for requesting annexation of a 75.458-acre tract of land, situated in the J. M. Froman Survey, Abstract No. 471, and the I & G. N. R. R. Company Survey, Abstract No. 1821, Parker County, Texas, owned by T. B. C. A. Inc., located in the 8500 Block of East Bankhead Highway.
BACKGROUND: Trinity Christian Academy is requesting voluntary annexation of this 75.458 acre tract of vacant land located on the south side of Bankhead I lighway, south of their campus. This property is located adjacent to the City of Willow Park, in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ).
2. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on adopting Resolution No. 2019-10, setting a public hearing for December 10, 2019, at 7:00 pm regarding the voluntary annexation of property located in the 8500 Block of East Bankhead Highway.
3. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of “City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2019” including the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates in an amount not to exceed $13,770,000 to finance the costs of paying contractual obligations to be incurred (i) for constructing, acquiring, purchasing, renovating, enlarging, equipping, and improving municipal water system property or facilities, including land and rights-of-way therefor and, and (ii) to pay professional services rendered in relation to such projects and the financing thereof.
* BACKGROUND: In September, Council provided notice that the City of Willow Park was going to issue Certificates of Obligation for the Fort Worth Water Project in partnership with the City of Hudson Oaks. The CO will not exceed $13,770,000 and will go towards funding engineering, construction, and related activities to the Fort Worth Water Project. This is the action item to the issuance and sale of the Certificates of Obligation. #FortWorthWater
4. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on the purchase of real estate located at 203 El Chico Trail, Willow Park, Texas for the Fort Worth water project. #FortWorthWater
5. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on a City of Willow Park City Council Travel policy.
6. Discussion Only: Presentation of procurement options, including public, private partnerships, for building a new city hall building. #CityHall
BACKGROUND: A public-private partnership ("P3") under the Texas Government Code Chapter 2267 is a contractual agreement between a Responsible Governmental Entity and a Private Entity organized for timely delivering services or facilities in a cost-effective manner that can be more time efficient than using traditional sources of procurement and public financing. Through this type of contractual agreement, the public and private sector are able to efficiently deliver a service or facility for the utilization of a Responsible Governmental Entity for the benefit of the general public.
7. Discussion Only: Presentation update on Drainage Study. #StormDrainage
8. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on City Council Governance Policy.
9. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on revising/updating the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board section of Article 1.05 Boards and Commissions and Committees. #Parks
10. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on selection of Appraisal District Directors.
11. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on a City of Willow Park spring event.
12. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on items to be considered for future council meetings.
13. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on setting the date and time for the next council meeting.
Executive Session
The City Council may convene into a closed executive session pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551, in accordance with the authority contained in the following sections:
Section 551.072 - Deliberation regarding real property;
Section 551.071 – Consultation with Attorney;
A. Purchase of real property for the Fort Worth Water Project #FortWorthWater
A. Mayor & Council Member Comments