Summary: budget workshop; resignation of Fire Chief Mike LeNoir; appoint John Schneider as Fire Marshal and Fire Chief; contract for the collection of delinquent government receivables owed to City of Willow Park; set a public hearing to consider an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan for water and wastewater impact fees, and proposed water and wastewater impact fees; waiver of penalty and interest for sanitary sewer lien (May 18, 1994) on property located on 5100 Block IH-20 Service Road North; resolution
Location and Time: 516 Ranch House Rd, Willow Park, TX 76087, 6PM
Latest Update: Saturday, 27 August, 2022
Tags: #Finance #EMSFirePoliceAmb #WastewaterTreatmentPlant #FortWorthWater #ARPA
WP Meeting Page (agenda packet, minutes, video)/ Video Facebook* * Minutes approved during the next city council meeting. * The was technical trouble with the council meeting live feed and recording, so there is no record of the first twenty (2) minutes of the council meeting. However, Willow Park Civics was in attendance and is sharing the audio recording of the full council meeting.
Public Comments
Agenda Items
2. Budget Workshop #Finance
Background: City Manager Bryan Grimes will provide information and answer questions from Council regarding the FY 22- 23 Budget Workshop. A preliminary budget is attached for Council review. The Budget will contain the following: General Fund; Water Fund; Wastewater Fund ; Drainage Fund; Debt
Exhibits: Preliminary Budget 2022 - 2023
Willow Park Civics > City Documents > Finance > Budget, Taxes, Debt
National League of Cities > Cities 101 — Budgets
CivicLex > Understanding the City Budget
3. Discussion/Action: to accept the retirement letter from Mike LeNoir, Fire Chief/Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discussion/Action: to remove Mike LeNoir as Fire Marshal and Fire Chief.
5. Discussion/Action: to remove Mike LeNoir as Emergency Management Coordinator. #EMSFirePoliceAmb
Background: On June 20th, Fire Chief Mike LeNoir informed City Manager Bryan Grimes and Candy Scott, HR Director, of his intent to retire from the City of Willow Park, effective August 2, 2022. The letter is attached to this memo. The City of Willow Park has a great appreciation to Mike LeNoir for his commitment to the Fire Department that he transformed from a mainly rural agency to the modern department of today. His leadership is invaluable to WPFD.
6. Discussion/Action: to appoint John Schneider as Fire Marshal and Fire Chief.
7. Discussion/Action: to appoint John Schneider as Emergency Management Coordinator.#EMSFirePoliceAmb
Background: City Manager Bryan Grimes has interviewed and discussed with Assistant Chief John Schneider about being appointed to the positions of Fire Marshall and Fire Chief for the City of Willow Park. Asst. Chief Schneider is qualified and experienced to assume these roles with the retirement of Chief LeNoir. Finally, Assistant Chief Schneider has the endorsement of Mike LeNoir for these positions.
8. Discussion/Action: to approve a contingent fee contract with Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott, LLP pursuant to Article 103.0031 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, said contract being for the collection of delinquent government receivables owed to City of Willow Park and notice of said contract is posted with the agenda in accordance with Section 2254 of the Government Code. #Finance
Court Administrator – Michelle Lowe will be asking for approval for court to start using Perdue Brandon as the new collection agency for the court.
Contract: SECTION 2. COLLECTION FEE. In accordance with Article 103.0031 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, there is hereby imposed an additional fee of thirty percent (30%) on all debts and accounts receivable, i.e.: fines, fees, court costs, restitution, and other debts that are more than sixty (60) days past due and have been referred to a private firm (Perdue) for collection
Exhibits: • Written Findings; • City of Willow Park Fine Fee Notice; • City of Willow Park Contract and Ordinance
Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott‚ LLP is one of the oldest and largest law firms in Texas focused on government collection matters. Since 1970‚ we have grown steadily‚ adding clients‚ attorneys and trained support staff. Today‚ we represent many types of governmental entities – school districts‚ cities‚ counties‚ hospital districts‚ appraisal districts‚ special districts and toll road authorities. Our experienced attorneys and professional staff are capable of handling a wide variety of government collection issues‚ including but not limited to‚ delinquent tax matters and fine and fee collections.
9. Discussion/Action:
Derek Turner may present an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan and the proposed updated water and wastewater impact fees. Following the presentation, the City Council may consider approving a resolution setting a public hearing to consider an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan for water and wastewater impact fees, and proposed water and wastewater impact fees.
Consideration & Action: Resolution setting a public hearing to consider an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan for water and wastewater impact fees, and proposed water and wastewater impact fees. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant, #FortWorthWater
10. Consideration/Action: to waiver of penalty and interest for sanitary sewer lien (May 18, 1994) on property located on 5100 Block IH-20 Service Road North.
Background: This is a request from Doss Property Company (DPC Willow Park Properties, LLC) [Bizapedia]. A sanitary sewer main was installed in 1993 to service this area. Liens were placed on each property along the main for the cost of the pro-rata share. The original lien was $6,191.97. The Notice of Lien was to Graham and Lynch, predecessors in title. DPC Willow Park Properties LLC is requesting the Council waive the penalty and interest and allow DPC Willow Park Properties, LLC pay the original lien of $6,191.97 as well as the cost for the release of lien and recording fees. Council took similar action in 2021 on the sanitary sewer lien for property on Stagecoach Trail.
Exhibits: • Request Letter • Sewer Improvement Lien • Notice of Lien Warranty Deed • Plat

11. Discuss/Action: To approve a resolution adopting the ARPA/Federal Procurement Policies and Procedures Addendum. #ARPA
Background: As part of the ARPA funding, the City is required to formally adopt procurement addendum (attached). It is similar to the existing procurement polices the City must undergo when utilizing Federal Funds, like TWDB for example.
Exhibits: ARPA/Federal Procurement Policies and Procedures Addendum
Executive session
[No items planned]