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11 October 2022 Council Meeting

Updated: Oct 22, 2022

Public Comments

Public Comments were made under agenda item 6.

Agenda Items

1. Presentation of Proclamation to Freedom House for Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

2. Approve City Council Meeting Minutes - Regular City Council Meeting September 27, 2022.

3. Discussion/Action: to approve an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Parker County and the City of Willow Park for law enforcement dispatch services.#EMSFirePoliceAmb

  • Background:PCSO has proposed a new contract with an increased cost for dispatch services. The cost increase begins with the 2022/2023 FY and increases over the next 5 years as follows:

  • Exhibits: Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Parker County and the City of Willow Park

  • Willow Park Civics Research:

    • Parker County Commissioners Court, 25 July 2022, 6B Discuss/Approve funding proposal for dispatching services for the city of Willow Park and approve the MOU. (Sheriff Authier / Judge Deen)

4. Discussion/Action: to approve an amendment to Section 1.03.031 of the Code of Ordinances removing the fixed time of 7:00 p.m. for City Council meetings.

  • Background: At the City Council meeting held on the September 27, 2022. City Council voted to change the meeting time to 6:00 pm and to amend the ordinance removing the meeting time.

5. Discussion/Action: to reschedule the Tuesday, November 8, 2022 Regular City Council meeting. #Elections2020

  • Background: At the City Council meeting held on the September 27, 2022, staff recommended moving the November 8, 2022, Regular City Council meeting as it is the same date as Election Day.

  • Recommendation: To move to reschedule the November 8, 2022, Regular City Council meeting to November 15, 2022

  • Exhibits: Proposed amended ordinance

6. Discussion Only: transition plan in the event of ESD Annexation. #EMSFirePoliceAmb #CityHall

1. ESD will guarantee employment of current WPFD Personnel.

2. ESD will lease the current Fire Station (attached to the Willow Park Public Safety Building (PSB); AND, will purchase the existing City Hall Property (516 Ranch House Road) for construction of a future Fire Station.

3. The City will lease the current Fire Station [to ESD1] and the ESD will lease the current City Hall [to the City of Willow Park] to the other respective entity at an agreed upon fair market rate. The lease for both entities will be a for 2 – 3 Year period, or until the City can construct a City Hall at a site to be determined.

4. The Sale of Real Property will be an agreed upon amount based off appraisals and supporting documentation.

5. ESD #1 will acquire all assets as needed for the operation of the fire service. With respect to the current Willow Park Fire Department Fleet, each entity will secure an appraisal on each vehicle, and then agree upon an amount for each vehicle based on the two appraisals.

6. ESD #1 will be required to have a ladder truck stationed in Willow Park.

7. The purchase of Station 2, located near the City of Willow Park Public Works Building, will be determined by ESD #1 to see if it is required for operations. If not purchased, the City of Willow Park has need for the building and will utilize it. However, fire service operations are the priority with this facility.

8. Upon the transition of personnel from the City to the ESD (See Dates below), the City will pay the ESD for fire services. It is anticipated it will be for Q3 and Q4 of the current fiscal year.

9. The Interlocal Agreement will be completed by April 1, 2023. This is also the transition date for fire personnel to go from the City of Willow Park to ESD #1. All talking points and action items will be concluded on or before September 30, 2023—the end of the fiscal year for both entities.

  • Two citizens spoke on this agenda item.

    • KJ Hannah - handout in .pdf; "... for over a year, our elected officials have been working, behind the scenes, to sell the Willow Park Fire Department to Emergency Services District 1, in order to have the funds to build a new city hall... With skyrocketing inflation, raising gas prices, increasing state and federal taxes, plummeting stock market, deteriorating personnel wealth, and over $20M in needed Willow Park street improvements, the elected officials of Willow Park have decided NOW is the time to build a new $7M, two story, 16K sq. ft. city hall that includes 100 seat council chamber and seventeen private offices, including a private office for the mayor."

    • Dale Lewis - Mr. Lewis had two comments; "I think if we are going to build a city hall we would like to have some benefit to the community"; "If there's leases involved, I think the city of Willow Park still has liability concerns that need to be addressed."

  • Bill Funderburk, Asst. City Manager, made a presentation to the council , [The Transition Deal points above are] "agreed in principal, these are not binding points."

  • ESD1 Fire Chief Watson answered council questions.

  • The Mayor made comments during Informational > Mayor Comments:

"One comment on this ESD thing. We did not look into this ESD thing for the sole purpose of building a city hall... We did it because it was right for the fireman. It was right for the city The benefits for the firemen, the opportunity for the firemen, ESD one can provide the fire department services that the city cannot do. "Do we need a city hall? This building is deplorable to hold meetings, have conversations; you can't have a private conversation anywhere. We needed a city hall for a long time. We're looking at a city hall but joining ESD one is not the reason that we're doing a city hall. I just wanted to clear that up."

  • Minutes Assistant City Manager, Bill Funderburk reported on the following: At the request of Council and the public, city staff, working with ESD #1 Chief Stephen Watson, developed the following transition points should the Annexation Vote be approved by the voters. Staff has developed the following transition points / objectives that will be codified into a binding, Interlocal Agreement that will approved by both the Willow Park City Council and the ESD #1 Board. The talking points are general in nature and should reflect a starting point of discussion, with both governing bodies having the final word before passage. PLEASE NOTE: THESE ARE NON-BINDING AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE ESD #1 BOARD—UPON VOTER APPROVAL OF

Willow Park Civics Research


  • Mayor and City Council Comments

  • Minutes: Mayor Moss mentioned the Parker County's Mayor Food Drive is currently going on. He also mentioned the Aledo Education Foundation started on Adopt a Classroom Program. Mayor Moss made it clear to the citizens that the City did not look into selling the Fire Department to fund a new city hall.

  • City Manager Comments

    • No city manager comments.

Executive Session



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