Agenda and Packet / Minutes / Video / Video2
Public Comments
Mayor Neverdousky recessed to executive session at 7:04 p.m. Mayor Neverdousky reconvened to open meeting at 7:29 p.m.
***Councilmember Martin made a motion to reorder the agenda to move items 18, 9, 10 before item 7.
18. Discussion/Action: Hear citizen appeal of code enforcement interpretation of livestock acreage requirements ***Councilmember Mullins made a motion to direct staff to start an update to the livestock ordinance stating that a minimum lot of one acre with one animal per half acre for agriculture.
9. Conduct a Public Hearing on a requested zoning change to rezone 39.02 acres, more or less, further described as a tract situated in the John Forman Survey, Abstract No. 471, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas and being a portion of Lot 1, Block 2 Trinity Meadows, an addition to the City of Willow Park, Texas, from a Class I – Special Purpose and “PD” Planned Development District (Race Track) Classification and use designation to Residential Class II – Residential: R-5 Single Family Medium Density District Classification and use Designation; generally located south of Sam Bass Road and east of Kings Gate Road.; and act on said application. A. Open Public Hearing B. Close Public Hearing C. Take Action #MeadowPlaceEstates
10. Discussion/Action: Hold Public Hearing for a subdivision plat for Meadow Place Addition, 39.02 acres further described as a tract of land situated in the John Forman Survey, Abstract No. 471, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas and being a portion of Lot 1, Block 2 Trinity Meadows, an addition to the City of Willow Park, Texas. Located just west of Ex. Stage Coach Estates and south of Sam Bass Road & east of Kings Gate Road. A. Open Public Hearing B. Close Public Hearing C. Take Action #MeadowPlaceEstates
Section III – Planning & Development
7. Conduct a Public Hearing for a subdivision plat for The Bluffs Addition, an 82.3 [acres], more or less, acres further described as being part of a tract situated in the Ann McCarver Survey, Abstract No. 910 and the M. M. Edwards Survey, Abstract No. 1955 City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas; generally located east of the intersection of Crown Road and Trinity Meadows Lane; and act on said application. A. Open Public Hearing B. Close Public Hearing C. Take Action
8. Conduct a Public Hearing for a plat for the Crown Pointe Addition, being an 54.50 acre, more or less, tract situated in the Wesley Franklin Survey, Abstract No. 468, and the Isaac Headley Survey, Abstract No. 619, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas; and, being all of Lot 1, Block B Crown Pointe Addition, an addition to the City of Willow Park, Texas as recorded in Cabinet D, Slide 148, Plat Records Parker County, Texas and being all of Lot 2, Block A, The Village At Crown Park as recorded in Cabinet D, Slide 363, Plat Records Parker County, Texas; and act on said application. A. Open Public Hearing B. Close Public Hearing C. Take Action
17. Receive Presentation and Hold Budget Hearing on Projected Revenues for FY 2015-15 Annual Budget.
11. Discussion/Action: Discuss and act on a Resolution authorizing the filing of an Application for Financial Assistance with the Texas Water Development Board and Designating Bond Counsel and Financial Advisor associated therewith.
***Councilmember Mullins made a motion to adopt Resolution 05-15, a resolution requesting financial assistance by authorizing the filing of an application for same with the Texas Water Development Board; making certain findings in connection therewith; providing for an effective date. #FortWorthWater
12. Receive Public Works Update.
13. Discussion/Action: Approve change order for Kings Gate bridge project
***Councilmember Runnebaum made a motion to increase the budget by $14,000 for the Kings Gate bridge repairs.#Streets
Section V – General Item
14. Discussion/Action: To conduct a Public Hearing pursuant to Resolution No. 04-15 and take action on Ordinance 715-15, authorizing the continuation of Article 7.700 “Teenage Curfew”, Municipal Code of Ordinances.
***Councilmember Thornburg made a motion to adopt Ordinance 715-15, an ordinance providing for the reauthorization and adoption of chapter 7 “offenses and nuisances,” Article 7.700 “teenage curfew” pursuant to a public hearing and making certain findings; and providing for publication and an effective date.
15. Discussion/Action: Receive report on controlled burns ***Discussion only
16. Discussion/Action: Receive report on Fire Alarm dispatch services ***Councilmember Runnebaum made a motion to authorize the preparation of a contract for Fire Alarm Dispatch Services.
17. Receive Presentation and Hold Budget Hearing on Projected Revenues for FY 2015-15 Annual Budget.
Section VI – Council Requested Item
18. Discussion/Action: Hear citizen appeal of code enforcement interpretation of livestock acreage requirements
19. Discussion/Action: To act on Resolution 06-15, a Resolution providing a Statement of Intent to negotiate a contract with the City of Fort Worth for the long term delivery and distribution of wholesale, potable surface water to the City of Willow Park.
***Councilmember Martin made a motion to adopt Resolution 06-15, a resolution providing authorization for a statement of intent by the City of Willow Park, Texas, to the City of Fort Worth, Texas, to negotiate and enter into a long term wholesale potable surface water contract for the benefit of the city; and providing for an effective date as amended. #FortWorthWater
Section VII - Informational
20. Mayor & Council Member Announcements
21. City Administrator’s Report
***City Administrator Matt Shaffstall reported that the City is no longer in any litigation.
***Water restrictions have been lifted.
***Budget Workshop scheduled for August 17, 2015 @ 7 p.m.
Section VIII – Executive Session
22. Executive Session
A. Consultation with Attorney
B. Economic Development
C. Personnel