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10 November 2020 Council Meeting

Agenda items: Fort Worth Water Project [update on additional costs]; voluntary annexations; amendments to zoning ordinances; financial report; Communications Dept. report

• Location and Time: Ranch House Road City Hall, 7PM

• Meeting Page (agenda packet, [in .pdf], minutes

• Latest Update: created Wednesday, July 26, 2023

• Tags: #FortWorthWater


Public Comments

Agenda Items

1. Discussion only: Hear a presentation from the Halff and Associates, the

engineer for the Fort Worth Water Project, on updated project costs. #FortWorthWater

• Background: Halff and Associates will present to Council and update on under valued cost estimates associated with the Fort Worth water project.

• Minutes: Halff and Associates Operations Manager, Ben McGahey, spoke and updated the council on their part on the Fort Worth water project.

Willow Park Civics Notes and Transcript

At video time 3:25 to 23:27, Halff and Associates (HA) made presentation on history and status of Fort Worth Water Project; also to explain the $6.5 increase in need for Project funding.

(first speaker, Ben McGahey)

  • HA “responsible for design of 2 pipeline to bring water from Fort Worth, one pipeline to Willow Park and one pipeline to Hudson Oaks, and for the design of the metering stations, the pump stations, and the ground storage tanks”

  • Started project in 2016 “main objective is to get you water by this summer [2021]”

    • First three years was Halff and Associates negotiation of the contract with the city of Fort Worth and determine funding;

    • By October 2018 help project obtain $13.4M in funding from the Texas Water Development Board.

    • In September 2019 HA began contract with Willow Park for design of water project

    • March of 2020 30% design for pipelines,

    • May 2020, 60%,

    • July 2020 90% design for pipelines and 30% design for pump station

    • September 2020 advertised and opened bids for pipelines

    • October 2020 60% plans for pump stations

  • Just last week [November 2020] identified the funding issues.

  • “Original amount of $13.4M needs to be increased to approx. $19.9M” that is why agenda item #2 is to issue additional debt (certificate of obligation) for this increase.

  • “Committed to working through this issue with Willow Park and Hudson Oaks.”

(second speaker)

  • Fort Worth Water Project three major components.

    • Fort Worth to Willow Park pipeline

      • Aside, Fort Worth decided to oversize the pipeline to accommodate future development in Fort Worth ETJ, so Fort Worth will be contributing $700,000 to pay for the oversized pipelines.

      • Aside, included a temporary connection so Willow Park will be able to receive a partial amount of Fort Worth water by next summer.

      • Current status is HA working to finalize bond for council approval, then submitted to TWDB for their approval.

      • 15 October 2020, low bidder Mountain Cascade, Mansfield TX, $3,785,000

    • Pump stations project that includes meter stations at both the El Chico site in Willow Park and the Rancho site in Hudson Oaks.

      • Estimate is $6.5M based on 60% design

    • The pipeline that takes water from the El Chico pump station to Hudson Oaks

      • 22 October 2020, low bid Wildstone Construction, Fort Worth, bid just over $3.6M

  • Schedule discussed

Council Questions

  • Council Runnebaum question: How was HO chosen as prime contractor for Fort Worth Water Project?

    • A: TWDB required procurement, April 2018 did RFQ for professional services including engineering, only HA applied; 12 June 2018 council approved contract with HA and Hilltop Financial Services for finance services.

  • Council Contreras question: What caused the difference between the 2018 Project estimated cost of $13.4M and the November 2020 $19.9M estimate.

    • A: The biggest change the evolution of the pump station component of the project; In the 2018 cost estimate no engineering had been preformed, and “it’s as the job progresses we are able to nail down the exact cost."

  • Council Young stated she had met with HA last week and had her questions addressed.

2. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on all matters incident and related to approving and authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation in an amount not to exceed $6,500,000 for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) constructing, acquiring, purchasing, renovating, enlarging, equipping, and improving water system properties or facilities, including rights-of-way therefor and (ii) professional services rendered in relation to such projects and the financing thereof, including the adoption of Resolution 2020-13 pertaining thereto. #FortWorthWater

• Background: Council will consider and deliberate on providing notice of their intent to issue debt in the amount not to exceed $6,500,000 as part of the Fort Worth Water Project. Council may go into Executive Session to consult with their attorney on this agenda item.

3. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on voluntary annexation by Shaun Kretzschmar, DO and Matthew Boothby, MD, DBA DHKB Investments, for annexation of 1.070 acres located in the NW corner of Willow Bend Dr and Bankhead Hwy J. S. Oxer Survey, Abstract No. 1029 City of Willow Park, Parker County Texas.

4. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on voluntary petition for annexation of.064 acres located in NW corner of Willow Bend Dr and Bankhead Hwy, City of Willow Park, Parker County Texas.

5. PUBLIC HEARING: to receive input regarding text amendments to the City of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance.

Sec.14.03.005 – Fire Protection Access

Sec.14.06.010 – (9)(10)(14) “R-5” Single Family Medium Density

Sec.14.06.005 – (c )(2) “R-1” Single Family District

Sec.14.06.008 – (b)(1)(A), (c )(5), (c )(6) “R-3” Multifamily District

Sec.14.10.001 – (a) New Development Site Plan

Sec.14.12, Sec.14.06.002 – Off Street Parking and Loading Requirements

Sec.14.06.002 – Sec.14.06.015 - Public Municipal, State and/or Federal Owned Facilities or Uses are permitted in all districts.

6. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on Ordinance 811-20, an ordinance to receive input regarding text amendments to the City of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance.

7. Presentation: Jake Weber will present the September Financials report.

8. Presentation: Rose Kertok, Communications Director, will present an update on the Communications Department.

9. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on items to be considered for future council meetings.

10. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on setting the date and time for the next council meeting.

Executive Session

§ 551.071. Texas Government Code. Consultation with Attorney. The City Council may convene in executive session to conduct a private consultation with its attorney on any legally posted agenda item, when the City Council seeks the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation, a settlement offer, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the provisions of

Chapter 551, including the following items:

A. § 551.071. Texas Government Code. Consultation with Attorney.

B. Any Posted item

Into closed Executive Session at 7:23 pm and back into Open Session 8:10 pm.

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