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09 November 2021 Council Meeting

Updated: Mar 19, 2022

*Header indicates agenda but is actually minutes.)

Public Comments

[No Public Comments but two (2) comments during Item 2, at 6:10 in Video.]

Agenda Items

1. Discussion/Action: to consider and act on designating the official newspaper of the City of Willow Park for the fiscal year 2021-2022.

A motion was made by Councilman Young to designate The Community News as the official newspaper of the City of Willow Park for the fiscal year 2021-2022.

Councilman Contreras seconded the motion. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.

2. Discussion/Action: to approve a Resolution establishing rules for public participation in city council meetings.

  • [Two (2) agenda comments during Item 2, at 6:10 in video, linked above.]

    • Amy Fennel, [comments in text .pdf]

    • KJ Hannah, [comments in text .pdf]

  • A motion was made by Councilman Young to postpone the item to a future meeting with the following revisions made to section 3. Time limitations: one- five minute period; and the City Council to vote on one-three minute period for unusually large number of speaker request. Councilman Contreras seconded the motion. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.

3. Discussion/Action: correction of City Limits Boundary of IH-20 Service Road East and Bay Hill Drive #TinyRentalHouses


"Upon comparing the map of record for Willow Park's city limits and the survey of the area located south of Highway IH-20, it was discovered that there is ambiguity as to the Willow Park city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) as shown on the City Limits map. The City Attorney recommends the Council adopt the new map of this area to clarify the City Limits. The proposed map of City limits and its ETJ are shown on the attached exhibit."

[editorial comment: This error was identified by Marcy Galle, Willow Park citizen and former city council member, during the 12 October 2021 Council meeting, Public Hearing comments.]

4. Discussion/Action: to consider a petition requesting annexation of a 19.16 acre tract of land located east of Bay Hill Drive, in the City of Willow Park Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.#TinyRentalHouses

5. Discussion/Action: financial update from Jake Weber, CPA.

6. Discussion/Action: to appoint Chawn Gilliand to the TIRZ Board. #TIRZandWilksDev

7. Discussion/Action: to appoint Steven Gould to the Board of Adjustment.

8. Discussion/Action: to approve a Resolution setting a public hearing for the reduction of the boundaries of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One. #TIRZandWilksDev

9. Discussion/Action: drainage update from the City Engineer. #DrainageManagement

10. Discussion/Action: update on Street and Park System Improvement Projects. #Streets #Parks

A motion was made by Councilman Young to direct staff to prepare a Certificate of Obligation not to exceed $5.5 million. Councilman Contreras seconded themotion. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous

11. Discussion/Action a Resolution Joining the State of Texas and Political Subdivisions as a party in the Texas Opioid Settlement Agreement; Authorizing City Manager to execute settlement participation forms.

12. Discussion/ Action: to consider and act on items to be considered for future


Mayor Moss reported partnering with Willow Park Baptist Church as a place of shelter in the event of another winter storm. Local pastors have also agreed to help supply the shelters. Mayor Moss thanked the Parks Board and Mayor Pro Tern Lea Young for their work on the new city park.

Councilman Runnebaum requested a street maintenance cost and budget for street maintenance on asphalt streets done within the last couple of years. He also requested staff prepare an interim plan and cost for the current city hall. The city offices are congested. In addition, he has requested a winter preparedness plan and update for the Water/Waste Water Treatment Plant from Michelle Guelker, Public Works Director. #Streets #CityHall #WastewaterTreatmentPlant

Mayor Pro Tern Lea Young requested an update from the City Engineer regarding Water/Waste Water infrastructure and funds. She also requested a update on the Water/Waste Water rate study and the list of ordinances to be cleaned up and updated. Mayor Pro Tern Young directed staff to work on the boards and commissions reappointments and to prepare interim office plan. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant

Councilman Contreras requested an update from the Public Works Director on winterizing and a preparedness plan. He also requested an update from Half & Associates on the pumpstation and on the new Water/Waste Water Plant.

Councilman VanSant requested an update on commercial development and new restaurants. He also requested information on what the Wilks are doing by the river.

City Manager, Bryan Grimes reported that staff is working on preparing the Certificate of Obligation in the amount of $5.5 million. There will be a drainage update at the next meeting. He gave a brief update on the ARPA Funds. He confirmed the City will not have to mandate vaccinations to accept the funds. He also reported there have been some staff changes and more to come. Staff is working cancelling a contract with a provider and hiring an in house staff. This hire will save the city some money. City hall will be closed for Veterans Day.

Assistant City Manager, Bill Funderburk gave a brief update on the new restrooms at the new city park. #Parks

Executive session


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