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09 August 2022 Council Meeting

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

  • Summary: Public Hearing an action on issuance of Certificates Of Obligation City’s Municipal Drainage Utility System; propose an ad valorem tax rate and date for public hearing; City's 3rd Quarter Financial Report; City's employee insurance; fee to defray costs of collecting delinquent fines, fees, court costs; acoustical services to address excessive noise from Parker County Ice House; transfer of Willow Park Fire Department to Parker County Emergency Services District 1

  • Location and Time: 516 Ranch House Rd, Willow Park, TX 76087, 7PM

  • Meeting Page (agenda packet, minutes, video) / Facebook Video * Agenda, agenda packets, minutes and videos of all city meetings on or after 01 April 2022 are posted on one Willow Park city webpage.

  • Review of council meeting in The Community News in .pdf.

  • Latest Update: Monday, 17 October, 2022

  • Tags: #DrainageManagement #Finance #EMSFirePoliceAmb #DevelopmentNorth #DevelopmentSou

Public Comments

[See agenda item #10]

Public Hearing

Public Hearing Notice Of Intention To Issue City Of Willow Park, Texas Certificates Of Obligation… [for] the issuance of certificates of obligation in an amount not to exceed $4,250,000 for the purpose of... the City’s municipal drainage utility system... such certificates to be payable from ad valorem taxes and a pledge of the net revenues of the City’s Municipal Drainage Utility System. #DrainageManagement

  • Background: Current Debt: In accordance with Texas Local Government Code Section 271.049

    • (i) the current principal amount of all of the City’s outstanding public securities secured by and payable from ad valorem taxes is $14,973,544;

    • (ii) the current combined principal and interest required to pay all of the City’s outstanding public securities secured by and payable from ad valorem taxes on time and in full is $20,334,709;

    • (iii) the estimated combined principal and interest required to pay the certificates of obligation to be authorized on time and in full is $6,007,428

    • (iv) the maximum interest rate for the certificates may not exceed the maximum legal interest rate; and

    • (v) the maximum maturity date of the certificates to be authorized is February 15, 2047. The above information excludes $37,241,456 in principal amount of outstanding debt obligations the City has designated as self-supporting in Resolution No. 2021-06 which the City reasonably expects to pay from revenue sources other than ad valorem taxes; provided, however, that in the event such self- supporting revenue sources are insufficient to pay debt service, the City is obligated to levy ad valorem taxes


2. Discussion /Action: to consider and act on approving a proposed ad valorem tax rate for the period beginning October 1, 2022 thru September 30, 2023. #Finance

  • Background: State statute requires that Council take a roll call vote on the proposed tax rate for the upcoming budget for FY 22 – 23. This is part of the rate setting process. As we have discussed at previous workshops the tax rate for your consideration is as follows:

    • Maintenance and Operations (M/O): 0.283941

    • Interest and Sinking (I/S): 0.252498

    • Total Tax Rate: $0.536439

  • Exhibits: 2022 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet... from the Parker County Appraisal District and the staff worksheet that has been previously discussed.

  • Minutes: The City of Willow Park assess a proposed maintenance and operations tax rate of $0.283941 and an interest and sinking rate of $0.252498 for a total tax rate of $0.53643 and that a roll call vote to take per state statute.

3. Discussion /Action: to consider and act on to setting the date, time, and place for a public hearing on a proposed ad valorem tax rate and budget for the period beginning October 1, 2022 thru September 30, 2023. #Finance

  • BACKGROUND: State statute requires that Council set the date, time, and location for the single Public Hearing to discuss the ad valorem tax rate and the budget for FY 22- 23, beginning on October 1, 2022 and ending September 30, 2023. Upon the passage of this motion, and the subsequential vote on the proposed tax rate, staff will place an ad with The Community News per state statute.

  • ...a public hearing on the tax rate and budget for FY 22 – 23... on August 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Willow Park City Hall located at 516 Ranch House Road...

  • Minutes: The City of Willow Park hold a public hearing on the tax rate and budget for FY 22-23, a period beginning on October 1, 2022 and ending on September 30, 2023 on August 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM at Willow Park City Hall located at 516 Ranch House Road and authorize staff to place public notices as required.

4. Discussion/Action: to consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of “City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2022A” including the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates in the amount not to exceed $4,250,000 to finance the costs of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) designing, constructing, acquiring, improving, enlarging, and equipping the City’s municipal drainage utility system, including any repair, replacement, and relocation of streets and utilities in connection therewith, and the acquisition of land and rights-of-way therefor, and (ii) professional services rendered in relation to such projects and the financing thereof. #DrainageManagement

  • Background:[See Public Hearing above.]

  • Exhibits: Sowden and Associates Proposal

5. Discussion/Action: to approve the City's 3rd Quarter Financial Report. #Finance

  • Exhibit: Financial Reports as of June 30, 2022.

6. Discussion/Action: to approve a consulting services agreement with the Tommy Morris Agency to solicit sealed proposals for the City's group health, dental, vision and life insurance

  • Background: The Tommy Morris Agency has been working with the City of Willow Park for the past few years and has assisted the City with procurement of the City's group health, dental, and vision. Staff recommends approving the contract and beginning the procurement process.

  • Exhibit: Consulting Services Agreement

7. Discussion/Action: to approve an ordinance providing for a fee to defray costs of collecting delinquent fines, fees, court costs and other debts pursuant to article 103.0031 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.

  • Background: Court Administrator – Michelle Lowe will be asking for approval for court to start using Perdue Brandon as the new collection agency for the court.

  • Exhibits:

    • City of Willow Park Fine Fee

    • Notice City of Willow Park Ordinance - Excerpt: WHEREAS, Article 103.0031 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure authorizes the City of Willow Park to contract with a private attorney for the collection of the fees listed above and to impose an additional fee in the amount of thirty percent on each debt or account receivable that is more than sixty days past due and which has been referred to an attorney for collection; and WHEREAS, the City of Willow Park has determined that it is in the public interest to ensure the prompt payment of delinquent court-imposed fines, fees, court costs, and other debts as provided by said statute;

  • Research:

    • Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, L.L.P. Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott‚ LLP is a law firm focused on government collection matters. Since our founding in 1970 in Texas‚ we have grown steadily‚ adding clients‚ attorneys and trained support staff. Presently‚ we have 14 offices in Texas with more than 350 employees‚ including over 50 attorneys. Founded on the principles of hard work‚ honesty and ethical conduct‚ our success is due to our refusal to deviate from these core values.

  • Minutes: To adopt an ordinance providing for a fee to defray costs of collecting delinquent fines, fees, court costs and other debts pursuant to article 103.0031 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.

8. Discussion/Action: to approve a contingent fee contract with Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott, LLP pursuant to Article 103.0031 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, said contract being for the collection of delinquent government receivables owed to City of Willow Park and notice of said contract is posted with the agenda in accordance with Section 2254 of the Government Code.

  • [See Agenda item 7.]

  • Background: Court Administrator – Michelle Lowe will be asking for approval for court to start using Perdue Brandon as the new collection agency for the court.

  • Exhibits:

    • Written Findings as to the Collections Contract with Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, LLP - The City Council, pursuant to Section 2254.1036(b) of the Government Code, hereby finds the following to be true: 1) there is a substantial need for the legal services specified in said contract; 2) these legal services cannot be adequately performed by the attorneys and supporting personnel of the City of Willow Park; and 3) these legal services cannot reasonably be obtained from attorneys in private practice under a contract providing only for the payment of hourly fees

    • City of Willow Park Contract

9. Discussion / Action: to enter into agreement with Sowden and Associates for Acoustical Consulting Services.

  • Background: Staff met with Christopher “Topper” Sowden to discuss noise complaints associated with the Parker County Ice House and securing his services to assist the City in addressing these concerns. The proposal is attached, and staff recommends authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement.

  • Exhibit: Sowden and Associates Proposal - [Excerpt] Parker County Ice House Restaurant - Acoustical Consulting Services... The fees for the basic services listed above are $4,000.00. Additional services will be approved and provided at our hourly rates listed below.

  • Research:

10. Discussion only: Petition received for Annexation by Emergency Services District #1. #EMSFirePoliceAmb

  • Video timestamps:

    • 30:34 beginning of Agenda Item 10, presentation by PC ESD1 Fire Chief Watson; Presentation by Chief Watson in .pdf

    • 45:05 Three citizen public comments: KJ Hannah, Dale Lewis, and Amy Fennel

    • 54:39 council discussion, including answers from City Manager Grimes about funds saved by selling the Willow Park Fire-Rescue including lowering taxes and "additional projects."

  • BACKGROUND: City staff was notified of a petition for annexation in July by Chief Stephen Watson. In the wake of this notification, several questions have arisen by Council and the residents of Willow Park. This agenda item is for discussion purposes only and the goal is to try to answer those questions. No vote will be taken on this agenda item.

  • Presentation by Chief Watson in .pdf

  • Research:

    • Willow Park Civics > Issues > Fire Department and ESD1 - Research and journal of activity concerning the assumption of the Willow Park Fire Department by the Parker County Emergency Services District 1.

  • Minutes

  • Public Comments; KJ Hannah, Dale Lewis, and Amy Fennel, all spoke before the City Council during agenda item 10 regarding the petition of annexation of the Willow Park Fire Department.

  • Presentation by ESD1 Chief Watson in .pdf / video of presentation, public comments, and council comments


11. Development Department Report #DevelopmentNorth #DevelopmentSouth

  • Exhibit: Planning & Development Department Report

  • Minutes: No reports given


Mayor and Council Comments [none]

City Manager Comments [none]

Executive Session It is anticipated that all, or a portion of the discussion of the foregoing item will be conducted in closed executive session under authority of the Section 551 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. However, no action will be taken on this item until the City Council reconvenes in open session.




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