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09 April 2019 Council Meeting

Updated: Dec 7, 2021

Agenda and Packet / Minutes / Video / Video2

Public Comments


1. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on a request to rezone from PD-EC Planned Development-Event Center to PD-SF Planned Development-Single Family, 11.79-acre tract of land being part of a 140.3-acre tract of land A McCarver Survey, Abstract 910, the W. Franklin Survey, Abstract 468, the I. Hendley Survey, Abstract 619, the M. Edwards Survey, Abstract 1955, and the J. Froman Survey, Abstract 471, all in Parker County, Texas, being a portion of the certain tract described in DOC. # 201612056, Official Public Records, Parker County, Texas. Located north of I-20 Service Road between Kings Gate Road and Crown Pointe Blvd. a. Open Public Hearing b. Close Public Hearing c. Adopt Ordinance 790-19

2. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on a request to rezone from PD-C Planned Development- Commercial and PD-SF Planned Development- Single Family District to PD-EC Planned Development - Event Center District, 15.30 acre tract of land being part of a 140.3 acre tract of land A. McCarver Survey, Abstract 910, The W. Franklin Survey, Abstract 468, the I. Hendley Survey, Abstract 619, The M. Edwards Survey, Abstract 1955, and the J. Froman Survey, Abstract 471 all in Parker County, Texas, being a portion of the certain tract described in DOC# 201612056, Official Public Records, Parker County, Texas. Located north of 1-20 Service Rd south of Crown Road, between Kings Gate Road and Crown Pointe Blvd.#TIRZandWilksDev

a. Open Public Hearing Speakers: Kyle Wilks, owner spoke to answer any questions. b. Close Public Hearing c. Adopt Ordinance 791-19

  • Planned Development District Zoning Regulations (Definitions, Applicable Regulations, Concept Plan, Future Approvals, Base Zoning Districts, Permitted Uses, Development Standards, Development Matrix, Overlay Districts, Existing Stables, Landscaping, Signs, Fencing, Parking, Sidewalks, Hike and Bike Trails and Open Space, Stormwater, Streets)

  • "In the event of a conflict between the Zoning Ordinance or any other City ordinance, rule, or regulation and these planned development district zoning regulations, these planned development district zoning regulations shall control."

  • TIRZ Maps A and B

TIRZ MapA 09 April 2019

TIRZ MapB 09 April 2019

3. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on a Site Plan for Lot 11 R1, Block B, Crown Pointe Addition, located at 480 Shops Blvd. / To Consider a Site Plan for a restaurant on Lot 11 R1, Black, Crown Pointe Addiion located at 480 Shops Blvd.

Mariposa Restaurant 09 April 2019

4. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on approval of the Fiscal Year 2017- 2018 audit.

5. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on adopting a drought contingency plan. / Under Texas Water Code Chapter 11 and Title 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 288, retail public water suppliers with less than 3,300 connections must prepare and adopt must prepare and adopt an updated drought contingency plan and make the plan available for inspection every 5 years. Document:Contingency & Emergency Water Management Plan for Retail and Commercial Water Customers Draft: February 2019 #FortWorthWaterDrought

6. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on an appointment to the Parks Board. #Parks

7. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on an Automatic Aid Agreement between Willow Park Fire/Rescue Department and Weatherford Fire Department.

8. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on the purchase of open records request software.

9. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on the approval of a special event permit on the inaugural “Touch a Truck” Event.


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