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08 March 2022 Council Meeting

Updated: May 11, 2022

Public Comments

Hope Olsen, Travis Brandon Reeves, Chad Dotson spoke about excessive noice from the Parker County Ice House.

[Editorial Comment: Although only three spoke, during the 08 March 2022 council meeting, there were at least a dozen Willow Park citizens in attendance supporting the speakers, including at least five young children, who were must quieter and better behaved than the Parker County Ice House.]

Agenda Items

Regular Agenda Items

1. Discussion/Action: to accept a letter of resignation from Councilman Tyler Van Sant, Place 2


2. Discussion/Action: to appoint a candidate to fill the vacant City Councilmember, Place 2 Seat. [Appointed Chain Gilliland. See The Community News article.]

3. Discussion/Action: to adopt an Ordinance Of The City Council Of The City Of Willow Park, Texas, Ordering The Cancellation Of The General Election Scheduled For May 7, 2022; Declaring The Unopposed Candidates For Councilmember For Place No. 3, A Councilmember For Place No. 4, And A Councilmember For Place No. 5; To Be Elected To Office.

BACKGROUND: Councilmembers Places 3, 4 and 5 were all uncontested for place on ballot for the 2022 General Election.

Councilmember, at-large, Place 3 Greg Runnebaum

Councilmember, at-large, Place 4 Lea Young

Councilmember, at-large, Place 5 Nathan Crummel

4. Consideration/Action: Approving Agreement with Jacob & Martin to Provide Professional Services to Analyze/Study Water and Wastewater Impact Fees.#FortWorthWater, #WastewaterTreatmentPlant

  • BACKGROUND: The city must study and update the water and wastewater impacts fees at least every five years. The capital improvements plan must be updated by qualified professionals to calculate the impact fees. Once the study is complete the Impact Fee Advisory Committee review and recommend their findings to the City Council. Staff recommends City Council approve agreement with Jacob & Martin.

  • EXHIBITS: Agreement with Jacob & Martin.

  • MINUTES: A motion was made by Councilman Young to approve and agreement with Jacob & Martin to Provide Professional Services to Analyze/Study Water and Wastewater Impact Fees and Councilman Crummel seconded the motion. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.

5. Discussion/Action: to consider engineering service provider to complete project implementation for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP Act) funding administered by the U. S. Department of the Treasury, other Federal or State Agency.#ARPA

BACKGROUND: As part of the American Rescue Plan Act funding, the City of Willow Park is required to procure administrative and engineering services. Basing this process to that of the Community Development Block Grant, the City of Willow Park City Council approved a contract with Grant Works, Inc. for these administrative services. Only one Proposal was received, which was from Jacob Martin.

6. Discussion/Action: to consider awarding a contract for Mowing & Lawn Maintenance Services for 2022-24.

  • BACKGROUND: To date, the Public Works Department has been mowing and maintaining the landscaped areas as are responsible by the city. Due to staffing limitations, excessive man-hours, and ongoing equipment maintenance, it is proposed that beginning April 1, 2022, these services be outsourced. Staff recommends acceptance of the Proposal from I&E Services, Inc.


7. Discussion/Action: to adopt an Ordinance Of The City Council Of The City Of Willow Park, Texas Providing For An Updated Records Management Policy Of The City Of Willow Park; Amending Article 1.08 Of The City Of Willow Park Code Of Ordinances.

  • Background: The original records retention policy was adopted in June of 1990 after H. B. 1285 was passed in 1989 providing that each governing body in local government shall designate a Records Management Officer on or before June 1, 1990.

  • Research: A History of Records Management in Texas, Texas State Library tsl.texas .gov/, 03 May 2016 , "In the spring of 1989, HB 1285 was passed by both houses of the legislature on the last weekend of the session, and it was signed into law by Governor William P. Clements, Jr. on June 16, 1989. This was the Local Government Records Act, which was projected to save local governments $211,127,000 in the first five years of its implementation. It was said at the time that Texas perhaps had the most comprehensive local government records laws in the country..."

  • 01 April 2022, The Community News, in .pdf, public announcement of Ordinance NO. 855-22 Updated Records Management Policy and Ordinance NO. 853-22 Commercial Amusement Ordinance with Special Use Permit

8. Discussion/Action: to authorize the City Manager to approve proposals with Records Consultants, Inc. (RCI), for the processing of inactive records at the City of Willow Park in accordance with the Records Retention Schedules published by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC).

9. Discussion/Action: The City Council shall consider participation in the settlements reached by the Texas Attorney General with Endo Pharmaceuticals and Teva Pharmaceuticals and authorize the City Administrator to sign election and release forms and any other documents necessary to participate in the settlements.

  • Research

  • Glob­al Opi­oid Settlement, Texas Attorney General Texas, along with a broad coalition of states and subdivisions, has reached final agreements with six companies to resolve legal claims for their role in the opioid crisis. Three agreements are with opioid manufacturers Johnson & Johnson, Endo, and Teva. The other agreement is with three major pharmaceutical distributors: AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, and McKesson.

10. Discussion/Action: to consider future agenda items.

The following are considered as future agenda items: Audit Report, Surplus Property, Rules for Public Participation, Noise Ordinance


A. Mayor & Council Member Comments

  • The Mayor thanked former Councilman VanSant and newly appointed Councilman Gilliland for their service.

  • Mayor Moss announced on Saturday March 26th is his Streetside Cleanup Day. Volunteers will meet at city hall and the cleanup will be from 9:QOAM to noon

B. City Manager's Comments

  • City Manager Bryan Grimes also thanked former Councilman VanSant and newly appointed Councilman Gilliland for their service.

  • He also announced that the Chief Financial Officer, Candy Scott will be attending the PFIA training in Austin on 26th.

Executive session

[no items listed]

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