Summary: change in Board of Adjustment ordinances; change in Planning and Zoning Commission ordinances; amending regulations for Parkland Dedication; change in Commercial Amusement Ordinance; Prelim Plat for Bullish Holdings Bankhead Highway & I-20 South; Final Plat for Wilks The District @ The Shops; City's 1st Quarter Financial Report; approve a new Audit Firm; to terminate the agreement with Bureau Veritas North America, Inc, (newly hired Building Inspector); presentation on current and future water and wastewater rates; city Social Media Usage Policy.
Latest Update: Friday, 04 February, 2022
Tags: #Parks #FortCardRoom #CommercialAmusementOrdinance #Streets #DevelopmentSouth #DevelopmentNorth #TIRZandWilksDev #WastewaterTreatmentPlant
Agenda and Packet / Minutes / VideoYouTube Part 1, Part 2 / Video Facebook Part 1 / Facebook Part 2 / The Community News Review
Public Comments
[No non-agenda public comments.]
[One public hearing comment, agenda item 4.]
Agenda Items with Public Hearings
Agenda Item 1: A notice of public hearing to be held by the City Council of the City of Willow Park on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Complex located at 516 Ranch House Rd., Willow Park, Texas 76087, to consider amending Zoning Ordinance Chapter 14; Article 14.17 Board of Adjustment; Sections 14.17.002(b)(1) and 14.17.002(b)(2) Organization and Procedure of the City of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance to provide for designating places on the Board of Adjustment; amending wording of meeting frequency; specifying chairman appointment and membership terms.
D. Discussion/Action: to consider appointing Board of Adjustment Members for Place Numbers 2 and 4, and Alternate 1.
Background: Board and Commission appointments be made in January of each year and BofA to meet at least quarterly. Place 2 Steve Gould and Place 4 Mike Barron on the Board of Adjustment are recommended for reappointment. Jason Frank has submitted an application to serve on the Board of Adjustment and will fill Alternate 1 position.
Agenda Item 2: A notice of public hearing to be held by the City Council of the City of Willow Park on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Complex located at 516 Ranch House Rd., Willow Park, Texas 76087, to consider amending Zoning Ordinance Chapter 14; Article 14.16 Commissions; Sections 14.16.003(A)(2); 14.16.003(A)(4); 14.16.003(B)(1), 14.16.003(B)(1)(A), (B) And (C); 14.16.004(A) and (C) Planning & Zoning Board Membership Terms, and Procedure of the City of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance.
D. Discussion/Action: to consider appointing Planning & Zoning Commissioners for Place numbers 2, 4, and Alternate 1.
BACKGROUND: Board and Commission appointments be made in January of each year. Place 2 Scott Smith and Place 4 Sharon Bruton are recommended for reappointment. Alternate positions on the Planning and Zoning Commission are vacant. Zachary Walker has submitted an application to serve on the Commission and will fill the Alternate 1 position.
Agenda Item 3: A notice of public hearing to be held by the City Council of the City of Willow Park on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Complex located at 516 Ranch House Rd., Willow Park, Texas 76087, to consider amending Chapter 10, Subdivision Regulations; Division 7, Public Space Dedications, Sections 10.02.181(B); 10.02.182; 10.02.182(2), (3) and (4); 10.02.183; 10.02.185; 10.02.186; 10.02.187 (A) and (B) of the City of Willow Park Code of Ordinances to provide for amending the Parkland Dedication terms. #Parks
The Parks Board requested Staff review the Parkland Dedication regulations in Chapter 10 of theSubdivision Ordinance. These changes reflect adoption of the "Parks and Trails Master Plan" and parkland fees.
Agenda Item 4: A notice of public hearing to be held by the City Council of the City of Willow Park on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Complex located at 516 Ranch House Rd., Willow Park, Texas 76087, to receive input regarding text amendments to the City of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance regarding commercial amusement uses.#FortCardRoom
(a) Use Regulations. The "C" Commercial District will be limited to the following uses, residential uses are not permitted in this district
Commercial Amusement — Indoor (Special Use Permit SUP Required)
Commercial Amusement — Outdoor (Special Use Permit SUP Required)
(a) USE REGULATIONS. The "LI" Light Industrial District will be limited to the following uses. Residential uses not permitted in this district
Commercial Amusement — Indoor (Special Use Permit SUP Required) Commercial Amusement — Outdoor (Special Use Permit SUP Required)
AGENDA ITEM: Discussion/Action: PUBLIC HEARING to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to classify Commercial Amusement-Indoor and Commercial Amusement-Outdoor as permitted uses (Special Use Permit Required) in the C-Commercial District and LI-Light Industrial District.
• BACKGROUND: The City of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance currently permits these uses in the C — Commercial District and LI — Light Industrial District. This amendment will require a Special Use Permit for these uses.
• Public Hearing Comment
KJ Hannah, handout > requested the following three restrictions be placed in this ordinance.
Adult or adult-only amusement or entertainment activity or similar activities are prohibited in commercial or light industrial zoned property in Willow Park.
“Private” card room activity or similar activities are prohibited in commercial or light industrial zoned property in Willow Park.
These and similar activities are prohibited in all commercial and light industrial zoned property in Willow Park, including but not limited to, property that is owned, leased, rented, etc.
[The council passed the ordinance without these additional restrictions.]
• A motion was made by Councilman VanSant to adopt an ordinance providing for an amendment to Chapter 14 "Zoning Regulations"; Article Sec. 14.06.014(a) "C" Commercial District and Article Sec. 14.06.015(a) "LI" Light Industrial District Use Regulation Commercial Amusement — Indoor Special Use Permit Required and Commercial Amusement — Outdoor Special Use Permit Required of the City of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance; as amended providing for publication; and an effective date. Councilman Contreras seconded the motion. The vote to approve the motion as unanimous.
Regular Agenda
Agenda Items 1. Discussion/Action: to approve a Preliminary Plat of Blocks 2, 3, 4; Porter Addition, being 21.752 acres J. M. Froman Survey Abstract No. 471, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas.
Background: ...
• Exhibits: • Plat Application • Preliminary Plat
• Bankhead Highway & I-20 South (See vacinity map below.) submitted by Bullish Holdings, LLC [Same address as Railhouse Reality.] (OpenCorporates); see council minutes of 09 April 2019 and 14 May 2019 for previous council actions.
• This is a preliminary plat of a proposed 3 block subdivision. The property is zoned "Commercial/IH-20 Overlay District". This plat also proposes the extension of Bankhead Highway right-of-way (60 foot) to the west. Eagle Drive and Ryser Road right-of-way (60 foot) will be dedicated and improved with the plat. #Streets #DevelopmentSouth

Agenda Item 2. Discussion/Action: to approve Final Plat of a Replat,Lots 1OR and 11R1, Block B, Crown Pointe Addition, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas.
• This Final Plat represents a Replat of two lots: Lot 1OR (1.48 acres) and Lot 11R1 (1.245), Block B of the Crown Point Addition. This 2.725 acre commercial lot will be developed as "The District", restaurant and retail development.
• From plat application: address 460 Shops Boulevard, Willow Park, Texas; applicant Wilks Development, LLC
• Exhibits: • Plat Application • Final Plat

Agenda Item 3. Discussion/Action: to approve the City's 1st Quarter Financial Report.
Agenda Item 4. Discussion/Action: to approve an Audit Firm for FY 2021/2022 and Subsequent Audits.
• Background: On November 23, 2021, the City released the RFP for Auditing Services. The City received four responses... staff is recommending the selection of Snow Garrett Williams ["Snow Garrett Williams is a local public accounting firm that began its operation in Weatherford in 1978."
Agenda Item 5. Discussion/Action: to terminate the agreement with Bureau Veritas North America, Inc.
• BACKGROUND: The City entered into an agreement with Bureau Veritas on August 12, 2014 to provide inspection and plan review services. Since beginning on February 14 the City will have it's own Building Official that will provide these duties we will no longer need Bureau Veritas in any capacity. To terminate agreement with Bureau Veritas we must give thirty day written notice. There may be an overlap due to inspections that are underway with certain projects. Details will be considered on each project and amount of time to completion.
Agenda Item 6. Discussion/Action: water/wastewater rate study.
• BACKGROUND: The City has entertained the services of NewGen Strategies & Solutions, LLC to study the current and future water and wastewater rates based upon several factors including debt obligations and Capital Improvements. The analysis will be presented by Chris Ekrut, Chief Financial Officer/Partner of NewGen.
Agenda Item 7. Discussion/Action: to amend the Social Media Usage Policy.
• BACKGROUND: Recent changes in the interpretation of protected speech by the 5th circuit court required an update to the city's social media comment policy. Communications and marketing Director Rose Hoffman will also provide an update on some other initiatives in the department.
Agenda Item 8. Discussion/ Action: to consider any future agenda items.*
The following are considered as futureagenda items
• Public Hearing for the Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant
• Public Comments
• A. Mayor & Council Member Comments
Mayor Moss encouraged everyone to get involved with one of the 21 non-profit
organizations in Parker County.
• B. City Manager's Comments
Bryan Grimes gave a brief update on city hall.#CityHall He also gave an update on the current audit and audit firm.
Executive session