Issues > Fire Department and ESD1
On this page: Issue Summary, Journal of events; Subpage: FAQ
Latest update: Friday, 07 April, 2023
Supporting page: FAQ
Tags: #EMSFirePoliceAmb

Update 03 April 2023, during a special council meeting, the city reported the sale of the Willow Park Fire Department equipment to ESD1 and the retirement of all loans on that equipment.
Update 17 March 2023: During the 14 March 2023 Council Meeting, the council voted to finalize the transfer of nine (9) Willow Park Fire and Rescue firefighters and the sale of the Willow Park fire fighting equipment to Parker County Emergency Services. In addition, the council sold the Willow Park Public Safety Building, which houses the WPFR and WPPD, to ESD1.
See Willow Park Civics Blog > Goodbye Willow Park Fire and Rescue and Willow Park Blog > New Willow Park Police Station for details.
Update November 2022: During the recent general election, the voters of Willow Park and Willow Park ETJ elected to allow ESD1 to annex the Willow Park Fire and Rescue Department and to assume ESD1 debt. See Willow Park Civics Blog > Election Results: Voters approve ESD1 annexing fire department. Props A&B for details and updates. ​
Update Friday, 07 October, 2022: According to the 11 October 2022 Council Meeting agenda,The elected officials of Willow Park are planning to sell the Willow Park Fire Department to the Parker County Emergency Services Department No. 1 (ESD1) in order to provide funding for a new city hall.
Agenda Item 6.
2. ESD will lease the current Fire Station (attached to the Willow Park Public Safety Building (PSB); AND, will purchase the existing City Hall Property (516 Ranch House Road) for construction of a future Fire Station.
3. The City will lease the current Fire Station [to ESD1] and the ESD will lease the current City Hall [to the City of Willow Park] to the other respective entity at an agreed upon fair market rate. The lease for both entities will be a for 2 – 3 Year period, or until the City can construct a City Hall at a site to be determined.
(Sources and documents included in Journal and FAQ below.)
According to Willow Park Mayor Moss, for over a year, our Willow Park elected leaders have been discussing the process of annexing [selling] the Willow Park Fire Department to the Parker County Emergency Services District No. 1. [Parker County ESD Map]
In June of this year, Mayor Moss collected the petition signatures of sixty, select Willow Park citizens, and submitted the petition to ESD1. [Copy is Journal.]
This submission of a petition, establish by Texas law, requires ESD1 to notify the citizens of Willow Park and of PC ESD1, to hold a public hearing to share information, and to consider placing the question of Willow Park Fire Department annexation, on the 08 November 2022 general election ballot.
The Public Notice of this meeting, posted in The Community News on 29 July, 2022 by the Parker County Emergency Services District No. 1 [Copy in Journal], was the first official notice to ALL citizens of Willow Park. An agenda of the Willow Park City Council for the 09 August, 2022 council meeting was the first notice from the City of Willow Park and our elected leaders.
Parker County ESD1 held a board meeting and public hearing on 17 August, 2022 in Willow Park. There was a presentation by ESD1 Fire Chief Watson, and Mayor Moss and City Administrator Grimes made brief statements. Over two dozen of the sixty citizens in attendance spoke during public comments. After public comments, the ESD1 board voted, without discussion and unanimously, to place the question of annexing the Willow Park Fire Department to the PC ESD1, on the 08 November 2022 general election ballots. [See details in Journal posts below.]
If Willow Park transfers their Fire Department to Parker County ESD1, Willow Park will no longer have control of fire and emergency services in the City of Willow Park. Fifteen years ago, Willow Park citizens adopted the Willow Park Volunteer Fire Department as an official city service, supported by the taxpayers of Willow Park; Willow Park did not choose to join ESD1 or ESD3. Willow Park decided, as the second largest city in Parker County, a city growing rapidly along with other cities surrounding the DFW metroplex, Willow Park citizens and property would be best protected by having control over our own Willow Park Fire Department, employees and equipment. Willow Park also developed and staffed the Willow Park Police Department.
In exchange for the transfer of control of our Willow Park Fire Department personnel and assets to ESD1, Willow Park will be freed of the expense of fire and emergency services in Willow Park and will be able use the freed cash for other Willow Park expenses and projects -- projects that will be chosen by Willow Park elected officials.
However, Willow Park and ETJ citizens will exchange a tax levied by the City of Willow Park for these services, for a tax levied by the Parker County ESD1.
In addition, ESD1 “provides Structural and Wildland Fire Suppression, Rescue, and Emergency Medical response, operating out of 7 fire stations across 311 square miles of Parker County protecting over 65,000 residents including the communities of Aledo, Springtown, Peaster, Poolville, LaJunta, Silver Creek, the Annettas, and the Morning Star Municipal Utility District.” (source: PCESD1.com) In comparison, the Willow Park Fire Department covers fewer than 10 square miles and fewer than 10,000 residents from the new Safety Building on W. Stage Coach Trail, a block from the city court house and next door to the new Cross Timbers Play Ground. If the Willow Park Fire Department is transferred to ESD1, Willow Park and ETJ will be 3% of the ESD1 territory and 15% of the ESD1 residents.
The citizens of Willow Park Civics are collecting information on this important decision about the safety of Willow Park citizens and Willow Park property.
See Willow Park Civics Blog > Voter Ed: Selling the WP Fire Dept. Props A&B for details.
Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and a Journal of activity.​

Map of ESD1 and Willow Park Annex
17 August 2022 Watson Presentation

Parker County ESD! by the numbers
17 August 2022 Watson Presentation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is an emergency Services District, ESD?
What is the Parker County Emergency Service District No1. (ESD1)
Texas Statutes, Health And Safety Code, Chapter 775, Emergency Services Districts
Petition Questions
​08 November 2022 Ballot Questions
Financial Questions
Safety Questions
General Questions
06 April 2023, Council votes to buy city hall building, The Community News [city hall, police chief position, sale of fire dept. equipment to ESD1]
Profit instead of spending . At their March 30 special meeting, the council was prepared to authorize Grimes to transfer funds from reserves to the general fund an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 to pay off loans with government capital for certain fire equipment and vehicles being sold to Parker County ESD No. 1. / However, that vote did not take place because the funds were not needed. Instead, when the equipment was appraised, the city actually made a profit of around $5,000. / “When we went to trade the car in we thought we’d be upside down, but we actually made $5,000,” Grimes said. / The Parker County ESD No. 1 took control of the Willow Park Fire Department following an election in November.
03 April 2023 Special Council Meeting
​cancelled - 2. Agreement with Parker County ESD No. 1 to sell Public Safety Building and Fire Station No. 2
30 March 2023 Special Council Meeting
2. Council may authorize the City Manager to transfer from reserves to the general fund an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 to pay off loans with Government Capital for certain fire equipment and vehicles being sold to Parker County ESD No. 1.
3. Agreement with Parker County ESD No. 1 to sell Public Safety Building and Fire Station No. 2
Willow Park Civics Blog > Goodbye Willow Park Fire and Rescue
Executive Session
8. Interlocal Agreement with Parker County ESD No. 1. #EMSFirePoliceAmb
9. Agreement to Sell Public Safety Building, Fire Station No. 2 to Parker County ESD No. 1.
Open Session​
​10. The Council may consider, discuss and/or approve and interlocal agreement with Parker County ESD No. 1 transitioning fire department employees and certain equipment to the ESD No. 1.
11. The City Council may consider, discuss and/or approve the agreement to sell the Public Safety Building and Fire Station No. 2 to Parker County ESD No. 1.
Willow Park Civics Blog > Election Results: Voters approve ESD1 annexing fire department. Props A&B
Willow Park Civics Blog: Voter Ed: Selling the WP Fire Dept. Props A&B, 21 October 2022
The Community News Review. Council reassures residents before ESD vote, 14 October 2022
11 October 2022 Council Meeting
Agenda Item 6
2. ESD will lease the current Fire Station (attached to the Willow Park Public Safety Building (PSB); AND, will purchase the existing City Hall Property (516 Ranch House Road) for construction of a future Fire Station.
3. The City will lease the current Fire Station [to ESD1] and the ESD will lease the current City Hall [to the City of Willow Park] to the other respective entity at an agreed upon fair market rate. The lease for both entities will be a for 2 – 3 Year period, or until the City can construct a City Hall at a site to be determined.
11 October 2022 Willow Park Fire and Rescue Facebook Post and in .pdf
27 September 2022 Council Meeting
​Executive session8. Section 551.072 Discussing the purchase, exchange, sale, lease or value of real property - 101 Stagecoach Trail; 516 Ranch House Road [Willow Park Safety Building, which houses the Willow Park Fire Department, Willow Park Police Department and Willow Park Municipal Court.]
Residents speak out about fire department annexation, The Community News, 25 August, 2022
23 August 2022 Council Meeting
Council Comments: Council Contreras requested financial analysis of Willow Park Fire Department versus Parker County ESD1, what are financial demands if Willow Park keeps control of fire department; what do taxes look like for average citizens and for seniors; on agenda during last September or first October council meeting.
On Wednesday, 17 August, 2022 at 6 p.m. at the Marriott Springhill Suites in Willow Park, Parker County Emergency Services District 1 held a public hearing to announce the process of transferring the Willow Park Fire Department to the Parker County Emergency Services District 1.
Video of meeting. Coming​​
This was an official board meeting of the Parker County ESD1; an agenda was posted on the ESD1 website; a quorum was taken at the meeting.
PC ESD1 Fire Chief Steven Watson, made a presentation, in .pdf .
Public Comments were limited to three minutes. Over two dozen citizens spoke. Mayor Moss and City Administrator Grimes represented Willow Park, although, other council members were in the audience.
Over sixty citizens attended this meeting with another dozen ESD1 board members and staff.
After public comments, the ESD1 board voted, without discussion and unanimously, "ordering an election for the first uniform election date in November 2022 on the issue of the annexation of the Willow Park Fire Area and authorizing necessary District officers and officials to conduct same and execute all necessary documents and take all necessary actions in relation to same. (Resolution #08-17-2022-02)"
WPC Blog Post: Willow Park Civics Blog: WP Fire Department may be transferred to PC ESD1.
On Wednesday, 17 August, 2022 at 6 p.m. at the Marriott Springhill Suites in Willow Park, Parker County Emergency Services District 1 will hold a public hearing to announce the process of transferring the Willow Park Fire Department to the Parker County Emergency Services District 1. Please plan to attend.
This meeting, held on the evening of the first day of class for Aledo ISD, will be inconvenient for many school parents, but it is important to the protection of your families and of the Willow Park houses you have chosen to make homes. All Willow Park citizens should plan to attend and gather the information necessary to vote in the general election on 08 November 2022, about the transfer of the Willow Park Fire Department to the Parker County Emergency Services District No. 1.
09 August 2022 Council Meeting,
Agenda Item ​10. Discussion only: Petition received for Annexation by Emergency Services District #1. BACKGROUND: City staff was notified of a petition for annexation in July by Chief Stephen Watson. In the wake of this notification, several questions have arisen by Council and the residents of Willow Park. This agenda item is for discussion purposes only and the goal is to try to answer those questions. ​
Agenda and Packet, Minutes, Video of Meeting
Presentation by ESD1 Chief Watson in .pdf / video of presentation, public comments, and council comments
The beginning of August 2022, a Willow Park resident made the following social media post, “Doyle Moss pitched it to me. #1 it has to be voted on by the citizens to pass. #2 While I care about our first responders I also care about my own finances. If it’s good for them and myself, I’d probably vote for it. #3. I’ve heard Willow Park isn’t the best employer and the ESD is a very good employer."
Public Notice, 29 July 2022, The Community News
Notice of Public Hearing And Special Meeting of Parker County Emergency Services District NO. 1
In compliance with chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code [Open Meeting Act] Parker County Emergency Services District No. 1 will hold a Public Hearing and Special Meeting on the Petition for Inclusion of a Defined Territory in Parker County, commonly known as the Willow Park Fire Service Area, including in full, properties within the corporate boundaries of the City of Willow Park, and all areas of the Willow Park Extra Territorial Jurisdiction not currently in an emergency services district per the petition filed with the District on June 29th, 2022. The public is invited to speak
The Public Hearing and Special Meeting will be held on August 17, 2022 at 6:00 p.m at SpringHill Suites Willow Park 500 Shops Blvd / Willow Park, Texas 7608

Willow Park Civics Blog: First Responders, by Glenn Rogers, TX House Rep. for District 60, 18 July 2022
Willow Park Civics Blog: Fire Chief LeNoir Retires, 16 July 2022
3.Discussion/Action: to accept the retirement letter from Mike LeNoir, Fire Chief/Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator.
6. Discussion/Action: to appoint John Schneider as Fire Marshal and Fire Chief. Asst. Chief Schneider is qualified and experienced to assume these roles with the retirement of Chief LeNoir. Finally, Assistant Chief Schneider has the endorsement of Mike LeNoir for these positions.
30 June 2022, social media post by Willow Park resident. "Doyle went door to door, gathering signatures for this petition.”
30 June 2022 email from ESD1 Fire Chief Stephen Watson to City of Willow Park
From: Stephen Watson
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2022 4:22 PM
To: Bryan Grimes <BGrimes@willowpark.org>
Cc: Bill Funderburk <bfunderburk@willowpark.org>
Subject: Petition for annexation
Mr. Grimes,
Yesterday the district received a petition for annexation of an area that wholly includes the City of Willow Park, and the portion of it’s ETJ that is not already in an ESD. It also includes all of the area known as “West Oak West”, a portion of which is in the ETJ. We have verified that the appropriate number of petitioners as required by Chapter 775 of the Texas Health and Safety Code are qualified and valid petitioners. Our board will be meeting soon to set a public hearing in-line with statutory requirements regarding the requested annexation. In the meantime it is our request to coordinate with city staff regarding a strategy for the transition of services upon an election being called and the annexation affirmed by voters. I would suggest that this include discussion regarding conveyance of fleet and equipment, related debt, ESD 1 onboarding of current Willow Park Fire personnel, and short-term/long-term plans for the fire station.
Additionally we would like to affirm that if the annexation takes place, we would seek to employ all of the current Willow Wark firefighters, that being the nine operations/shift personnel. We are willing to perform a comprehensive pay and benefit review on their behalf, and are committed to making sure they have the opportunity to be informed as the process goes forward.
I look forward to working with you, have a good independence holiday,
Stephen Watson, CFE | Fire Chief
Parker County Emergency Services District No. 1
817.523.7598 | www.pcesd1.com
Spring 2022, a "rumor" circulated the city about Willow Park losing our fire department the Parker County asdfasdfasdf. Willow Park Civics approached three elected officials, each assuring us the the Willow Park fire department and the city was not supporting such a proposition. In addition, we were told the citizens of Willow Park would have to vote on such a proposition. There is no documentation of these conversations.
25 January 2022 Council Meeting including agenda packet and minutes.
Reports [presentations and documents included]
Fire Department Report in .pdf includes Operations, Training, Prevention, Call Volume 2021.
Excerpt: With the support of the city and the council the operations division grew by three new firefighter positions. The three firefighter positions allowed the department to operate with three fire personnel on each 24-hour shift. The new positions also allowed the department to staff the ladder truck on a consistent basis.
Operations personnel remained busy throughout the year handling the workload of operating and maintaining the department to a high standard. The Department was inspected by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection this year. The department passed the inspection and was commended by state inspectors based on operational personnel maintaining the department to such a high standard.
This year staff responded to 985 calls to service.
[Editorial Note: Of the 985 calls, 488 (49.5%) were Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Incidents. Based on 09 May 2017 council meeting item 11, many of these Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Incidents were on I20, which is a federal highway; during this May 2017 council meeting, the council approved "Ordinance No. 752-17, an ordinance establishing and implementing a program to charge mitigation rates for the deployment of emergency and non-emergency services by the fire department for services provided/rendered for the Willow Park Fire/Rescue Department. Approve Ordinance No. 752-17 for Fire Department to enter into an agreement with Fire Recovery USA, LLC to be the billing service for Fire Department Claims to Insurance companies.]
09 May 2017 Council Meeting Agenda / Minutes
Agend Item 11. Discussion/Action: To consider and approve Resolution 06-17, a resolution providing authorization for the execution of a Texas Revenue Recovery Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. To consider approving Ordinance No. 752-17, an ordinance establishing and implementing a program to charge mitigation rates for the deployment of emergency and non-emergency services by the fire department for services provided/rendered for the Willow Park Fire/Rescue Department. Approve Ordinance No. 752-17 for Fire Department to enter into an agreement with Fire Recovery USA, LLC to be the billing service for Fire Department Claims to Insurance companies.
Background: This was formally known as Fire Rescue Recovery. Now retitled as Fire Recovery USA, LLC. 2. This service bills the insurance company and not the citizen. The billing process can be modified. 3. This will allow for the fire department to bill the insurance companies for supplies and equipment used on incidents such as: motor vehicle accidents, swift water rescues, hazardous materials incidents, and fire investigations. 4. This program is data input by the fire department on-line and is a secondary reporting system to the Fire House Software reporting system that we use for logging the incidents. 5. The service will pay the fire department 80% of the total monies collected on the fire department’s claims to the insurance company.
​Exhibit:Ordinance No. 752-17, Fire Recovery USA, LLC Client List and Service Agreement.
Posted Ordinance:
Sec. 5.01.002 Mitigation rates
(a) The Willow Park Fire Rescue shall initiate mitigation rates for the delivery of emergency and nonemergency services by the fire department for personnel, supplies and equipment to the scene of emergency and nonemergency incidents as listed in exhibit A to Ordinance 752-17. The mitigation rates shall be based on actual costs of the services and that which is usual, customary and reasonable (UCR) as shown in exhibit A to Ordinance 752-17, which may include any services, personnel, supplies, and equipment and with baselines established by addendum to Ordinance 752-17.
(b) A claim shall be filed to the responsible party(s) through their insurance carrier. In some circumstances, the responsible party(s) will be billed directly.
(c) The fire department’s city council may make rules or regulations and from time-to-time may amend, revoke, or add rules and regulations, not consistent with this section, as they may deem necessary or expedient in respect to billing for these mitigation rates or the collection thereof.
(Ordinance 752-17 adopted 5/9/17)
09 May 2017 Council Meeting Minutes
​11. Discussion/Action: To consider and approve Resolution 06-17, a resolution providing authorization for the execution of a Texas Revenue Recovery Interlocal Cooperation Agreement.
***Councilmember Gholson made a motion to approve Resolution 06-17.Seconded by Councilmember Galle
Aye votes: Councilmembers Martin, Runnebaum, Gholson, Galle Motion passed with a vote of 4-0
09 February 2016 Council Meeting, Agenda / Minutes
​10. Discussion/Action: Receive the Annual Report of the Fire Department (Fire Chief Brent Sauble )
A. Annual Fire Activity Report
B. Status of Dispatch Conversion
C. Status of Fleet Improvements
D. Projected Staffing Needs based on Call Volume
11. Discussion: Discuss implementation of a fee to be imposed for the mobilization and dispatch of the Willow Park Fire Rescue personnel and equipment, in response to a municipal event or emergency and contracting with a third party to collect the fee. (Fire Chief Brent Sauble )
Detail Memo: City Council Action Requested: Approve Service Agreement with Fire Recovery USA, and Ordinance allowing fire department to bill non-residence for fire and rescue services.
Background Information: The City of Willow Park Fire/Rescue Department responds to multiple motor vehicle accidents, vehicle fires, and rescue calls annually that are located on Interstate 20 or surrounding areas of the City limits of Willow Park. The fire department does not currently bill for any services. This ordinance and agreement would allow the fire department to bill non-citizens insurance companies for fire and rescue response. This would include motor vehicle accidents on Interstate 20, vehicle fires on interstate 20, fluid spills on interstate 20 or any company that spills fluids on Willow Park roadways. The fire department has already purchased the software through Fire House incident reporting system that would allow us to do this. The department would submit the reports that could be billed through Fire Recovery USA. The department would make sure that no City of Willow Park citizens are billed for any services rendered to them. This is a billing system for non-citizens only.
Cities unhappy about possible ETJ annexation, [.pdf] Weatherford Democrat, 19 February 2013, updated 22 July 2014, Excerpts.
The ESD has declined to redraw the map that voters in the affected area and current ESD will vote on in May, Willow Park Mayor Richard Neverdousky told the city council last week, shortly before the group discussed options to oppose annexation of their ETJ. ESD No. 1 Board President Rena Peden told the Democrat on Friday that the cities of both Willow Park and Fort Worth have expressed issues with the potential annexation of their respective ETJs.
Further complicating issues are what fire officials agree are outdated fire service area boundaries that have areas better served by Willow Park currently in Aledo’s fire service area and thus the annexation area.“Basically their ESD board president said they will not redraw their lines,” Neverdousky said. “The whole answer is this is a big money grab.”