City Safety Services > Outdoor Emergency Siren
Latest Update: Thursday, 22 December, 2022

Outdoor Emergency Siren System
When outdoors, listen for the Willow Park Emergency Warning Siren, which covers all of Willow Park (and parts of Aledo) with outdoor notifications of severe weather and other emergencies.
The sirens are tested at 1 p.m. On the first Wednesday of each month for 30 seconds unless there is inclement weather on that day.

The system selected is by Sentry Siren
Sentry Model 14V Stationary Warning Siren Qty. 4 / product brochure .pdf
CD&F Model SD2100 2-Way Report Back System, Weatherproof Cabinet (Lockable), Antenna, Qty. 4
December 2022 As ESD1 annexes our Willow Park Fire and Rescue Department, there are outstanding questions about the Willow Park Outdoor Emergency Siren Warning System (System). The city has indicated the following:
ESD1 will not purchase the System.
ESD1 but will manage the System but not maintain it. Who will maintain it has not been resolved.
To date, the continuation of the monthly siren testing has not been resolved by the city.
22 October 2019 Council Meeting Agenda
8. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on accepting and awarding the bid for the Outdoor Warning siren system.
23 July 2019 Council Meeting Agenda
2. Discussion/Action: a resolution determining that competitive sealed proposals are the purchase method providing the best value to the City for the purchase of outdoor warning signs, authorizing the City Administrator to issue a request for proposals for the purchase of outdoor warning signs and delegating to the City Administrator the determination of which purchase method provides the best value to the City on all future purchases.
11 June 2019 Council Meeting Agenda
1. Presentation by Chief Mike LeNoir and Engineer Jared Junker on the Hazard, Mitigation Plan. a. Public Hearing on the Hazard Mitigation Plan / The Mitigation Plan, presented in the June is a necessary step in obtaining grants for the new emergency sirens planned by the Willow Park Fire and Rescue.
During the 14 May 2019 Council Meeting Agenda / Proposal in .pdf
Agenda 7. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on the purchase of tornado warning sirens and update the radar tower.
Minutes: Fire Chief Lenoir and Engineer Jared Junker made a proposal for the purchase and installation of a four, omni-directional siren warning system. This warning siren system offers outdoor notifications of severe weather and other emergencies. The sirens will offer “lead times for severe weather, tornados, flash floods, hail threats, high winds, everything that we get,” explained Chief Lenoir. “It’s another tool in the tool box to prevents loss of life and to provide early warning. The sirens will be strategically place on city property, on city-owned well sites.” Chief Lenoir listed three current instances when these emergency sirens were needed:
“Just recent events, rotating funnel cloud April 30, 2019 just south of Willow Park. Hudson Oaks and Aledo sirens were activated… it went just east of us over 1187. That was a near miss.”
“August 5, 2017 Willow Park received straight line winds in excess of 70 miles an hour, downed trees throughout the city.”
“March 17, 2016, at 6:30 in the morning, East Lake Road of Weatherford and north Willow Park received damage from an EF0 tornado that came across the southern portion of the lake. We had significant damage on the east side of the lake.”
The city council voted unanimously to procure and install a siren system.
14 March 2019 Council Meeting Agenda
9. Discussion/Action: To consider authorization of for the City to enter into a lease purchase agreement with Government Capital Corporation, in the approximate amount of $406,000, to acquire certain new firefighting equipment and sell or trade-in surplus equipment. (Fire Chief Lenoir)
377 Add Siren - Q2B, Pedestal Mount $2,566.00
380 Add Switch, Q2B Siren x 2 $270.00
384 Add Switch, Additional Air Horn Activation $102.00
389 Add Siren Speaker, Additional $668.00