City Development > Comprehensive Plan
Latest Update: Wednesday, 24 August, 2022
Tags: #DevelopmentNorth #DevelopmentSouth
Willow Park Comprehensive Plan 2014
Purpose of Planning
Community Snapshot
Vision, Goals & Objectives
Future Land Use Plan
Thoroughfare Plan
Neighborhood Livability
9. Discussion/Action:
Derek Turner may present an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan and the proposed updated water and wastewater impact fees. Following the presentation, the City Council may consider approving a resolution setting a public hearing to consider an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan for water and wastewater impact fees, and proposed water and wastewater impact fees.
Consideration & Action: Resolution setting a public hearing to consider an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan for water and wastewater impact fees, and proposed water and wastewater impact fees.
5. Discussion/Action: Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan and funding options.
09 March 2021 Council Meeting Minutes
6. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on items to be considered for future council meetings… Update comprehensive plan
06 December 2016 P&Z Commission Work Session
​1. P&ZCommissionAuthority&Duties
2. Open Meetings Act
3. Basics of Planning & Zoning
1.Comprehensive Plan
2 Zoning Ordinance
3. Subdivision Ordinance
21 September 2015 Adopted, City of Willow Park Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Annual Budget
The City recently updated and adopted its comprehensive plan. The City Council, Planning & Zoning Commission, and City staff spent a full year working with a consultant revamp the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2014.
The Comprehensive Plan focuses on the city’s land use and serves as guide for future development. The Comprehensive Plan also lays out a series of action step of items that should be accomplished over next several years. Many of the goals and action items in the comprehensive plan have been integrated into the objectives and actions steps in the city’s Strategic Plan.
14 April 2015 Council Meeting Minutes
12. Consider and Act on Amendments and Update to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan regarding Residential Estate and Low Density Land Uses.
***Councilmember Martin made a motion to update the comprehensive plan for the City of Willow Park, by substituting the Willow Park, Texas future land use plan diagram currently on page 42 of the comprehensive plan, to specifically update the low density residential area west of Crown Road and north of Ranch House Road, northeastward to the city limit.
19 March 2015 Joint City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Agenda Item 5. Discussion: Amendments and Update to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan regarding Residential Estate and Low Density Land Uses.
26 February 2015 Council Meeting Minutes
7. Discussion/Action: Schedule Public Hearings to amend 2014 Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
***Councilmember Griffiths made a motion to schedule the public hearings on March 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
10 February 2015 Council Meeting
​10. Discussion: Possible Development of Neil Ranch and the Potential effect on the Comprehensive Plan
***Discussion about how to augment comprehensive plan
Willow Park tackles development issues, 21 February 2015, Weatherford Democrat Council members discussed modifying city planning documents to allow for the development of Neil Ranch in northern Willow Park, as well as changing the requirements for medical use facilities.
13 January 2015 Council Meeting Minutes
18. Discussion: Possible Development of Neil Ranch and the Potential effect on the Comprehensive Plan
***Discussion Only