Willow Park Police Department
101 Stagecoach Trail Willow Park
Willow Park, TX 76087
817 - 441 - 9747
City Of Willow Park Website > Police Department
Willow Park Police Department Facebook
Fire Danger: Current Situation, Texas A&M Forest Service,
Willow Park CivicReady/Alert Sense System
Willow Park is using CivicReady system for citywide alerts such as severe weather, road closures, etc. You can create your profile and enter your current contact information here. To add your water route for water system repair alerts, look for the first three digits of your account number on your utility bill.
"The City of Willow Park is able to send you emergency alerts via text message, email, pager, or voice mail (in extreme cases), based on your preferences. It is important that we collect this contact information because many households no longer utilize traditional land-based telephone lines.
“Sign up to receive emergency alerts and severe weather warnings that could directly impact you and your family. The system is intended to be used for emergency alerts, as well as non-emergency incidents that may have significant impacts to residents. Emergency Alerts could be related to specific hazards that require some kind of action be taken such as evacuation, shelter in place, boil water orders, etc. Non-emergency alerts could include significant transportation problems with prolonged impacts or significant ongoing police or fire activity. This list is not meant to be all inclusive, and demonstrates that this system will not be used for routine information.”

"The Fort Worth National Weather Service uses both NexRad and the new CASA radars to monitor the skies for hazards. While the NexRad radar is great for scanning weather conditions up to 200-miles away, the 25-mile range CASA radar scans the atmosphere below the NexRad scan, allowing meteorologist access to areas where undetected tornados and other severe weather hazards may form. CASA radar images are sharper and can provide a better image of what is happening at ground level, giving weathermen the opportunity to track storms to your neighborhood.
"As part of our emergency preparedness plan, Willow Park residents can receive the CASA weather radar images by downloading the free CASA Alerts app from the App Store or from the Google Play Store for Android. The app allows you to receive up-to-the-minute weather conditions, plus you can receive alerts for specific locations such as your home, school or business. Another benefit, you can chose the type of hazard alert you want to receive, such as a tornado warning but not heavy rain, and the distance away from your chosen locations, say within 10 miles, for the alerts.
"As with any local disaster, the more you know about what is happening around you the better prepared you will be. The better prepared you are, the better you will fare."
New weather alert system for phones, Willow Park website, 13 January 2021
Parker County Hyper-Reach
Parker County utilizes the Hyper-Reach system for mass notification of people for various reasons If you want to get automated weather watches and warnings and other emergency information, you must follow the link below to sign up for them on your own. Please follow these links to sign up for weather watches and warnings and other emergent information.
Parker County Relations Officer Facebook
It’s very simple and you can choose the method that works best for you:
Go to https://bit.ly/parkeralerts or scan the QR code in the Hyper-reach Brochure below and fill in a short form.
Register via text message / Text “Alerts” to 817-458-9848.
Register via phone call. all 817-458-9848 and answer the questions.
Register via smart speaker Alexa / Tell “Alexa, enable Hyper-Reach”. The device will say “OK” and send a “card” to Alexa app. Open the Alexa app, find your card. Click manage on the card and set your permissions. When you’re done click “Save”.
Parker County Alert Center
Alert Center allows you to view all alerts and emergencies in your area. If there are alerts or emergencies, they will be listed below by category. To be instantly notified of alerts and emergencies subscribe to Notify Me or RSS.

ONCOR is the largest energy provider in Texas, serving more than thirteen (13) million customers -- including Willow Park.
ONCOR recommends the following resources to prepare for and traverse power outages.
Every household should have a cell phone with the ONCOR app and account AND should sign-up for My ONCOR Alerts for text, email, voice alerts. Then, when an electrical outage occurs, citizens will have immediate access to information about storm damage and electricity restoration. In addition ONCOR offers a Active Outage Map.
In addition , Willow Park citizens should use the well-advised and well-established "see something, say something" plan. Citizens and city employees be on the look-out for leaning or heavily damaged utility poles and sagging or downed power lines and tree and vegetation entangled in power lines, and then report these areas of potential trouble to the Willow Park Public Works Department, who will observe and report to ONCOR
Willow Park Civics Blogs
WP Emergency Alerts, originally posted December 2022, updated often
WP Emergency Warning Systems, originally posted January 2023, updated monthly
ONCOR Electricity, Willow Park storm damage and prevention, posted 15 March 2023
November 2022 - Willow Park Fire and Rescue Department annexed by Parker County Emergency Services District 1. / Issues Index
11 May 11 2021 Council Meeting
5. Discussion/Action:To consider and act on entering into a mutual aid agreement with North Central Texas Council of Governments to provide public works mutual aid in an emergency, disaster or civil emergency.
New weather alert system for phones, Willow Park website, 13 January 2021
Baird, Hampton & Brown (BHB) Civil Engineers > Willow Park Public Safety Building Willow Park, TX