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City Development > Capital Improvement Plan - in progress

Latest Update: Friday, 16 September, 2022

On this page: Documents, Documents. Journal

  • Capital Improvement Plan For City Of Willow Park, Texas

    • Development and Growth

      • EJT Map, February 2022

      • Existing Land Use Map, May 2022

      • Future And Use Map, May 2022

  • Water System

    • Meter Connections Projections Table, Well Water Inventory Table, Existing Water System, Storage and Pumping Requirements, Distribution System, Ground Storage Facilities 

    • Water system Inventory Map, March 2022

    • ​Water Supply Improvement Map, May 2022​

    • Water Systems Improvements Priority and Projected Costs Table

  • Waste Water System  

    • Wastewater Connections and Flow Projections Table

    • Existing Wastewater System

    • Sewer System Inventory Map, May 2022

    • Sewer Improvement Map, May 2022

  • Street System

    • Street System Map [Street Improvements Map], May 2022

    • Street System Improvement, Priority and Projected Costs Table

  • Drainage System

    • Drainage System Priorities and Project Costs 

    • Drainage System Improvement Map, May 2022

  • Conclusion and Recommendations

  • Capital Improvement Advisory Committee

    • During the 12 January 2021 meeting, the city council passed an amendment appointing the Planning and Zoning Commission to act as the city's Capital Improvement Advisory Committee.


  • Public Notice, Posted The Community News, 16 September 2022, posted at Willow Park Civics  

    • ​City of Willow Park, Texas, ordinance no. 866-22 An ordinance of the city council of the city of Willow Park, Texas updating and amending the city of Willow Park code of ordinances, section 13.08.003 of chapter 13, article 13.08, entitled "impact fees", approving the amended and updated land use assumptions, capital improvements plan and amended impact fees for water and wastewater utilities, and providing for findings of fact; enactment; enforcement; a repealer clause; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Passed and approved on this day 13th day of September, 2022.

  • 13 September 2022 Council Meeting

    • ​8. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance for the City of Willow Park approving the amended Capital Improvements Plan, Land Use Assumptions and the amended schedule of water and wastewater impact fees. 

  • 12 July 2022 Council Meeting

    • 9. Discussion/Action: 

      • Derek Turner may present an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan and the proposed updated water and wastewater impact fees. Following the presentation, the City Council may consider approving a resolution setting a public hearing to consider an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan for water and wastewater impact fees, and proposed water and wastewater impact fees.

      • Presentation Handout - Willow Park Capital Improvement Plan and Land Use Discussion by Derek Turner.

      • Consideration & Action: Resolution setting a public hearing to consider an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan for water and wastewater impact fees, and proposed water and wastewater impact fees.

  • 17 August 2021 Capital Improvement Advisory Committee / P&Z Commission Agenda

    • 1. The Planning and Zoning Commission was appointed by City Council to serve as the "Capital Improvement Advisory Committee" to advise the City Council on matters related to the Stormwater Impact Fee.

    • Background: The Commission met in this capacity in February 2021 to review the Willow Park CIP and Land Use Plan as it relates to the Stormwater Drainage Master Plan. The Commission will now review and act on the proposed Stormwater Impact Fee Study and the base Stormwater Impact Fee. The Commission will need to recommend adoption of the Stormwater Impact Fee Study and Stormwater Impact Fee. Derek Turner, City Engineer will present the study and proposed impact fee.

    • Exhibits: Stormwater Impact Fee Study

  • 16 March 2021 Capital Improvement Advisory Committee / P&Z Commission Agenda

    • 1. Consider and take action regarding the City of Willow Park Capital Improvements Plan and Future Land Use Plan as they relate to the creation of a Stormwater Drainage Impact Fee

      • Exhibits

      • Council Resolution establishing Capital Improvement Advisory Committee

      • Capital Improvement Plan and Land Use Presentation 

  • 16 February 2021 Capital Improvement Advisory Committee / P&Z Commission Agenda

    • 1. Consider and take action regarding the City of Willow Park Capital Improvements Plan and Future Land Use Plan as they relate to the creation of a Stormwater Drainage Impact Fee.

      • Exhibits ​

      • Council Resolution establishing Capital Improvement Advisory Committee

      • Capital Improvement Plan and Land Use Presentation 

  • Capital Improvement Plan 2019-2050 Water And Wastewater For City Of Willow Park, Texas Revised July 2019  / .pdf

    • General 

    • Development and Growth

      • EJT Map July 2019

      • Existing Land Use Map October 2013

      • Future And Use Map

    • Water System

      • Water System Inventory Map July 2019

      • Ground Storage Facilities 

      • Water Supply Improvement Map July 2019

      • Appendix

        • Pump Station Schematics 

        • Proposed Water Pump Station Schematics

        • Lift Station Schematics

    • Waste Water System  

      • Sewer System Inventory Map July 2019

      • Sewer Improvement Map July 2019

    • Street System

      • Street Improvement Priorities 

      • Street Improvements Map July 2019

    • Drainage System

      • Proposed Drainage System Improvements 

      • Drainage System Improvement Map July 2019

    • Conclusion and Recommendations

  • 11 April 2017 City Council 

    • Agenda Item 11 Presentation Capital Improvement Plan by Jacob and Martin (Derek Turner)

    • Capital Improvement Plan 2017-2050 Water And Wastewater For City Of Willow Park, Texas 31 March 2017

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